What do I do roughly speaking feminine odor?

So I suddenly have this feminine odor problem.

Is near anything I can do about it besides going to the doctor or finding some super amazing twenty dollar remedy? Because I really don't discern like bringing it up next to my mother and/or my doctor.

Answers:    There are several reasons this be scheduled. The first is the material of the underwear that you are wearing. Make sure you are other wearing cotton, or cotton crotch.. as this is a "breathable' material. Secondly,.. as your body go through its changes within a month, you be discharging more than usual.. not necesarily something to be alarmed about. Might I suggest to allow your body areas more breathing time, by sleeping short underwear and a bra at bed time. Sleeping in loose fitting clothes, pajama's allows the body to breathe, carry air.. and markedly possibly get rid of the smell. In the suggest while,.. be sure you are bathing ( might I suggest using baking soda in your tub,.. NO bubbles). Good Luck.. Hope I have help :)
do cleaning regularly most of the time that odor is telling you something's wrong beside your va jay jay. if that's not the case (you wont know til you update your mom or the doctor) then conceivably it's from your diet or because it needs to be cleaned more regularly. if that's the case, a short time ago get some summer's eve feminine bathe..that works for most women
I hate to speak about you this but you need to find the end in of the odor, not just covering it. It's almost always some sort of infection or condition that cause this. You need to see a doc. If you insist on mask it, there are feminine deodorants for public sale at your local drug store. Honestly the best thing to do is communicate to your doctor, if it is just sudden it could be an infection, or something more serious than purely an odor. other than that, the solitary other thing I could recommend is the wash, its like a body clean up but designed for your down there parts, I dont give attention to it's overly expensive but i dont think it's really cheap any. Good Luck.
Spray some febreze on your vag. You could have Bacterial Vaginosis and most of the time you can simply clear it up with anti-biotics. Otherwise in attendance are home style remedies that can help such as Using Acidopholous yogurt which should restore the ph rank. I would recommend though seeing a doctor before it become an embarrasing problem. Unfortunately sometimes it does suck seeing a doctor but that is what they are within for and i am positive that they wont care because they would own seen it thousands of times earlier. Dont stress

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