How to own a indigestible spell? any warning please..?

hi guys i just want to ask for any suggestions, i other have a undersized menstrual flow and cramps,how can i make it weighty? it feels resembling its just stock nearby inside there anything i should pocket?

Answers:    i don't think here is a way. i usually drink marine to make mine not as unwieldy, so the opposite? thickset flow periods are really humiliated and messy though.
you can't really force it out.
if you really really want it, then nick a baby aspirin a time before your term. you'll bleed like..
becareful. I'm not sure that wanting to formulate it heavier is such a good opinion. If you've always have this, then it rules out iron deficiency, etc. If you feel theres' a strength concern connected to it, you can talk to your physician around it. If there's no health concern though, you'll own to stick with heat pads and midol for the cramping, and live beside it the way it is. Trust me, you don't want to engender it heavier unnecessarily.
You can't alter your period, I'm sorry. Your body does what it requirements to and will continue to do so. The one and only things you can really consider are methods of birth control (and it's perfectly fine to be on birth control if you ONLY want to regulate your time! You don't have to be sexually live to be on BC).

My advice is Ibuprofen. I love that stuff. And lots of chocolate and saline foods!

You can go to a women's clinic and look at your option, if you'd like to falsify your flow, you have deeply of choices that you can make that suit your wishes.

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