Pap smear?

if you get an exceptional pap smear and it turns out that you have cancer what do you enjoy to do and not do. I mean is in attendance a cure for it. I

Answers:    I had an atypical pap. What they will do is a colposcopy, which takes a small preview of the area that is to say abnormal. If it comes put money on as pre-cancerous, they will most likely do cryo-surgery on your cervix. After the surgery, you will own to see your gyno every 6 months to make sure you enjoy a normal pap. If they detect it precipitate, there should be no problem, as cervical cancer progresses highly slowly.
An abnormal pap audition usually shows cells that are plausible to become cancerous if not treated, but they can be treated and you will be fine. I regard it is treatment by way of a painless laser directed at the cervix. Don't hurt, bar the speculum, and you are okay afterwards although need regular pap test. This may be more info than your barganed for, but if you really want to know...

First, you must understand a few things. First, they are conducting tests to see if you have any peculiar development of your cell. They take cell from your cervix because it basically have a high overturn rate of cell, as with breast tissue (and notably affected by hormones), and this is why signs of condition in females commonly show up in these two areas up to that time other parts of the body.

Okay, so what they say they are trying to do is find out if you are a upright candidate for cancer or if you are already developing cancerous cell. What they actually do is look at your cell and see what percentage is developing normally as anti abnormally (obviously unequivocal to interpretation). Positive results can also appear due to other illnesses or infections, such as warts (they repeatedly say that wart are a virus, but of course they are a fungus).

If you do enjoy cancer of the cervix, then, they will find a agency to make money sour of this with an assortment of 'treatments' such as the popular removing of the whole feminine reproductive system. I know some women who have allowed this to be done to them.

In the defence of warts, they can be freezing or lasering them rotten, and many inbred methods too, but again, such 'viruses' are affected by the underlying robustness of the individual and can only 'jump ship' to other hosts if the conditions are like (a person within the same stage of vigour or ill health).

In the travel case of cancer, you must understand the explanation of cancer. Cancer cells are middle-of-the-road cells that own basically developed an ailment; it is a stage of ill vigour. They are not invading cells [not a virus] that are attacking the body (as the medical industry would hold you believe); that is, they are not something that you attack or try to shoot. Microforms such as viruses, germs and fungi are all matching organism at various stages of their evolution which is artificial by their environment -- i.e. your health.

Also, such 'microforms' such as cancer are not localized, they are systemic, affecting the integral body at once. It has to do beside the overall health of the body. Just resembling mold in bread, you will individual see physical signs of the mold in one spot here and one spot nearby, but the whole loaf is artificial, those spots are just where on earth they have surfaced first. In the body, we give the name such surfacing evidence as 'symptoms'. If the health of the body increases, the cell will also become healthier and will revert to former stages of vigour. That is the cure: overall health.

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