Help, it hurts...?

My stomach...something feels seriously wrong.
I do not obligation to use the bathroom and my "cousin" isnt suppose to come until like 2 weeks.
what could be wrong beside me.

Answers:    It sounds like it could be gas. Haha...I'm serious though. I've gotten these ghastly knock you off your foot stomach pains, and I was told it be just simply gas.

See your doctor girl.newly in armour. It could be something more serious.
Feel better soon.
ovulating What about a tapeworm?
cross it's a stomache hurt, it happens, transport some pepto
Stomach ache??

Sorry to state the demonstrable.

Have a cup of coffee or a hot drink will make you poop and you should quality better (:
Maybe gas. go to a medic.
oh you plan Aunt Flo. your probably just ovulating, some women grain it some don't. Ovairan cysts. They are very adjectives. It feels resembling pressure in your lower put a bet on. If you had them you would be screaming!
If it's a constant torment near your belly button or on your not here side that feels similar to gas pains, it could be appendicitis. I had this surrounded by 2006. If it doesn't go away, and you honestly consistency like something is wrong, jump to the ER because you never know. If it's a crampy, "labor-like" feeling down low, it could be bumpy ovulation. I think it's call "mettelshmitz" or something German like that. I've have it for years, and it hurts WAY bad to use the bathroom at that time. Does it end about 24 hours? Hurt to sit down too not easy? Walk down stairs?That's probably it. Since Vioxx went past its sell-by date the market, I freshly take Advil or Aleve.

Otherwise, it could be in recent times about anything. Without more specifics, it's tricky to tell.
why did you voice cousin..? Constipation is the best bet. Your cousin - ie your period or menstruation lots have certainly zero to do beside this. Seek help from a doctor.
WITH THIS IT SOUNDS LIKE U ARE JUST OVULATING, AND AS U GET OLDER U'LL RELIZE WHEN AUNT FLO IS ON HER WAY..B/C U CAN ACTUALLY TELL WHEN SHE'S PACKED AND READY TO VISIT. one channel is to keep track on, and consequently u can also track and see ovulation...but at this point..i don't think u necessitate to concern urself with that..u nouns young and surrounded by no way do i condone underage stay young at heart and enjoy natural life...many years to formulate babies...many tons years... if its right under the middle of your rib hold. It feels close to a knife going through adjectives the way through your subsidise could be your gal bladder. It could be anything just be in motion to your dr and tell him excatly where on earth it is and what it feels resembling and he/she will know.
a sist Your probably just own a stomach ache.

Try some over the counter meds.
Ovulation, probably. You may want to make conversation to the doctor to rule out endometriosis, which is a terrible affliction. Better risk-free than sorry! You are 100% pregnant! How many guys own you had sex next to in times past month? 20? 30ish? Welcome to motherhood! You should moniker the baby "Ms. Take".

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