Kinda worried?

My periods enjoy been some what regular. For former times few months they have be coming on the 7th of each month. and final 3-4 days 5 at the most. But this month is WAY different and im a little concerned. This month my spell started Jan. 31th. early contained by the morning and was pretty common for me. ALOT of blood and extreme pain. Im not exactly sure how to explain... But perchance this might help.

Jan 31th- Period started. Extreme discomfort. so bad i be crying and screaming. and alot of blood. Then that night it stopped.

Feb 1st- It started again. But not so much blood. used conceivably 2 tampons the whole time. No pain at adjectives. (wich is unusal for me because i usually have agony THE WHOLE time.

Feb 2nd- Only small spots of blood. not even enough to use a tampon. No aching

Feb 3rd- Only small spots of BROWN blood. still not enough to use a tampon. and still no distress. and it went on approaching this until today feb. 6th

Im not really sure whats going on... but i would like some proposal or opinions thx

Answers:    I have similar problems. I started when I was 13 and they be pretty normal until I turned 18-19. All the sudden the strain was even wrose than earlier and I had the adjectives drag on stop and start thing. Even though this isn't "normal" various women have this problem so in attendance isn't anything WRONG per say next to you. However, you could have endometriosis similar to I did. The only route to confrim this 100 percent is to have a D & C done where on earth they scrape the inside of your uterus near a scope making 2 small holes within your abdomen. I didn't do this. I chose to start taking birth control pills which really help. I took them for 4 years before stopping for a year. Gradually respectively month the pain travel worse again and they became more irregular so I go back on the pills. I took Yasmine for 4 years and when I started again and a few months ago I switched over to Yaz. Either one is well-mannered. However, you really should see a doctor. They told me if you have endometirosis and you don't treat it it can eventually stop up causing mark tissue build up which causes fertility problems and associates having problems getting preganant. Not to upset you and I'm not saying you could enjoy this but it's not uncommon. Just discuss with your doctor.
Extreme cramp calls for a doctors opinioon. What you described is not everyday. Is it possible you are pregnant. If , yes then it is not average to bleed. At least phone up a doctor and talk to him. I enjoy unbearable distress when I first start my period, afterwards the next time no pain. Maybe a few cramps.
It sounds resembling most of your blood came out on the first hours of daylight. I usually have lighting days. Day two is usually my heaviest and it's not much.

It sounds pretty normal. Your extent changes over time. I used to be 5-6 days long. Heavy for 3. Now it's 3 days max and mostly feathery.

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