White mash on my undies!! i neeed somehelp please!!?

heres the thing: concluding week i got this white fasten on my undies and then it go to clear. AND HERE IT IS AGAIN!! it's white again? im 13 and i think it might be a disharge but iim not sure? does white parsimonious you getting your period in advance than compared to if it was clear??


Answers:    yes it is discharge but no you are probably not going to draw from ur period for a couple months. It is shocking when you first bring it and it may make you grain sad but we are adjectives in this together so its fine and its solely 5 days out of a month so you can make it
yeah. eww u ware undies lol
yea it is discharge, if your 13 and a virgin, most probable it would be discharge. have you get your period even so? its normal for your age. your time of year is probably coming.. talk to your mom or an elder girl you are close with.. but no worries.. totally majority!
no, I think white is when you're ovulating... eh. that stuff is so confusing. but it's without a flaw normal.
anyway, I've notice you always capture that clear stringy discharge right before your length.

ughh graphic adequate? haha
It's just discharge. Calm down. no dont verbs! thats normal, you will draw from your period surrounded by about 6 months to a year, hold pads next to you just contained by case :]
its adjectives just gunk that comes out of ur vage
its common.
it's normal. You could be getting your extent in a year or so. white pulp is normal.
White is usually around the time you're ovulating, and clearer closer to your spell. It varies though. It's totally commonplace. If it changes color (yellow, gray), see a doctor. omg i purely asked this question similar to 3 minutes ago. i am 14 and it is happening more and more. i will distribute you my question/answers.
Its just usual discharge. It can change from pasty to clear during the month depending on your cycle. It really doesnt be set to anything else, it your va J J cleaning itself out. Try to stick to unscented soaps like Ivory when you clean there, and stir see a dr if it ever turns yellow or green! I get the same entry like a month or two ago. mine didn't turn clear though. i still own it but it's not as bad as it be earlier. I'm simply 10!!
Its perfectly ordinary! Dont worry! It manner you've been thinking dirty! Maybe you should jump play and stop thinking about mischievous things! =] wear trousers when you brush your teeth
This "white paste" is vaginal discharge. This comes out prior to starting your period, but it is not other the same for everyone. Some culture have vaginal discharge cycles, while others own it regularly. It depends when your body is ready to start menstruation, so you might own this for a while before your time of year begins. Believe it or not, this ask gets asked like mad (telling you this so you know how normal you are) -- it is NORMAL. You are not on your interval until it's blood . it probably won't be too long though.
Either discharge or maybe you enjoy an infection (not sexually) so don't worry i'm not anyone offensive. Sometimes if you use sharp soap it can affect the ph level and mete out an infection, try drinking plenty or water and cranberry liquid. if that doesn't work then set more or less getting some antibiotics. yeah, i get that a week beforehand i get my length. so thanks to that, i know when to wear a wipe.
i remember at first, i was so worried to what it was, but its newly a different color.
As you get elder you are going to have adjectives types discharge especially if you are sexually active. Don't verbs it is normal if it get too bad progress see your gynocologist. Take care! your just about to have a term. nothing to verbs about.
It's a usual thing to take place, especially to a young girl your age. Don't verbs too much about it.

As far as I know, it does not be determined the start of your period, although, it might start at just about this time in your enthusiasm.

Don't be surprised if it keeps arranged, and you might not find any pattern as to when and why it happen.

You might want to talk to your mom around the right time for a first visit beside a gynecologist. It may be too soon yet, but start looking into that. The right time will be soon. Don't be afraid to ask question when you get near. Being open and honest beside your doctors is very essential and can only facilitate educate you almost yourself.

About the white vs. clear, I don't want want to make an assumption, but here's a great site to call in: www.kidshealth.org/teen .

Best to you.
Glands inside your vagina and cervix make small amounts of fluid. This fluid flows out of the vagina respectively day, carrying out older cells that hold lined the vagina. This is your body's channel of keeping your vagina healthy and verbs. The discharge is usually clear or milky and doesn't smell bad.

The color and concreteness of the discharge change beside your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when a woman is breastfeeding or when you're sexually excited.

Changes that may signal a problem include an increase in the amount of discharge, a amend in the color or smell of the discharge, and irritation, itchiness or burning within or around your vagina. This is called vaginitis. A discharge that's stained next to blood when you're not having your time could also be a sign of a problem. Some other types of infections such as yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis can also cause discharge i.e. usually accompanied by odor such as beer/yeast/fish.

I would recommend that if you own any of these signs or any concerns regarding this you consult near your doctor for a proper diagnosis and for proper treatment should you have anything except just a average vaginal discharge.

Good luck :)

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