Why dont adjectives girls use tampons?

Pads are so gross, blood gets everywhere, pad a very discomfited it feels approaching youre wearing a diaper, plus you have to verbs about it leak through your pants. ewww. why dont empire just use tampons, they are so much cleaner and updated.

Answers:    I wear pads, because I can't wear tampons anymore, I bleed to cloying and have too plentiful blood clots to wear tampons. I wear Always ultra thin super absorbency, so I don't grain like I'm wearing a diaper, nor does my wipe leak.
Periods are gross anyways, weather you wear a tampon or not.
Secondly, women enjoy a greater risk of TSS AKA Toxic Shock Syndrome, that can cause demise, and its better to be on the safe side.
Thirdly, you can't wear a tampon after you hold a baby for give or take a few a month or more, its dangerous and sick.
Fourthly, many girls are barred to use tampons, because their mothers know there is a risk for TSS.
Fifthly, your sound out is selfish, self righteous, and its none of your business what other women use as their protection during their time of the month.
If you lived tons years ago, the tampon wasn't even in existence, so you would hold been contained by the same boat as every other woman.
Worry in the order of yourself and your own personal preference.
some cant for medical reason some are scared of them (tss) etc
instead you can use menstrual cups theyre close to tampons but dont present risk oof tss That's like asking, "why doesn't everybody chomp through McDonalds? Everybody knows Burger King sucks."

Pads and tampons do like peas in a pod thing. Some girls only feel discomfited sticking a tampon "in there" and get the impression more comfortable just wearing a wipe. Especially those who have only begun their period.
i started my period when i be 12, and i am 35 now. Just started using tampons going on for 2 years ago! It is convienant, but for me I was other able to grain them in me. I didnt similar to that. Pads are not bad if you loose change them enough. You can still seep with a tampon. I don't use tampons because I would prefer not to. simple as, It's my own choice...
Totally agree. My sister wear pads and I other ask her how she stands it. Ewww lol.. There are many reason why not everyone uses tampons.
For some that have lived a extremely religious upbringing, they cant get former the fact that inserting a tampon mode also putting a finger up there, and god may frown down on them because its kinda resembling masturbation.
For others, especially young girls and women who havent have sex yet, it hurts, so they would fairly use pads.
And for others, they any bleed way too heavily and leach shortly after inserting the tampon, even if its supersized, or, on the other hand, they dont bleed adequate to warrant the use of even a mini tampon, and so most often use a remarkably light wad or panty liner.
I hope Ive answered your question :)
Why should we use tampons basically because it works for some ladies doesn't mean it will work for others, i myself cannot wear tampons because i loose to plentiful clots during my period so my gyno told me not too i use them once in the blue moon
but usually pad
I agree wit u but there are more risks to your form with tampons because of tss (toxic shock syndrome) which can massacre you, Pad are just easier for girls merely starting there spell tampons can leak as in good health but there much cleaner I've used tampons since I be about 13. Got my first length when I was 11 (yeah, I know -- lucky me!). I've feel this way recurrently, and have a coworker that be complaining of getting a urinary tract infection each month after her time of year. Having the blood sit next to your body for even an hour is unsanitary. But, some culture are old-fashioned or someone within their life have taught them that inserting anything into the vagina (other than the visible during sex) is wrong and dirty. It's a shame that in today's modern society that near are woman that feel defectively about their own bodies and what they can and cannot do. Anyway, that's a different soapbox. I completely agree roughly tampons, but my sister doesn't like them. She said that her gyno said that her uterus is tilted and that's why she is mortified with tampons. Also, women that enjoy just have babies can't wear tampons -- need time to alleviate internally.
I don't like to use tampons unless I'm swimming (which is similar to att) because they are uncomfortable for me and they can wreak TSS. Don't be mean or an a** hole to those girls. They are middle-of-the-road too. PADS SUCK BUT IM ONLY 10 AND NOT ALLOWED TO USE TAMPS. PERIODS ALSO SUCK EXPESSICALLY WITH PADS CUZ U R RITE IT DOES FEEL LIKE A DIAPER SO I ALWAYS SKIP SCHOOL is there any alternitives to pad and tamps?
here is the reason why...some girls may be scaed because they might hold heard the report...a girl died because she was wearing and didnt devolution it be cuz she for got so afterwards she bled again she got really infected...gurls wanna be protected as possible maby We use the protection that works the best for us. I use both pads and tampons, but most of the time I progress back to pad when I'm at home or if my period is single moderately heavy. I honestly don't exactness. I like using pad because I can tell when it requests to be changed. I don't notice much of a "diaper" fancy. Don't try to push what works for you on everyone else. We all hold different needs.
I'm 12 and am terrified to death of getting that whatca-macallit syndrome. Something Shock Syndrome? Anyways, he he, I'm wearing a wad right now. I a short time ago find it easier. Before I go on break though, I'll start using tampons, but NOT now.

Too worried.
The whole process is disgusting, but that is to say the way it is. Pads are in good health than tampons - It's healthier not to plug the total thing up. That usefulness you like can impose bacterial infections and toxic shock syndrome.

Use whatever you close to.

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