Does the Morning After Pill Screw up your cycle?

I had sex beside my boyfriend about a week after my term, and i thought the condom might not have worked approaching it should have so I took the morning after pill only to be safe. I get a medium spell about 4 days next for about 4 days. But I havn't gotten my regular length yet. So I be wondering will I get my subsequent period slow, or did it screw up when I will go and get it, becuase I definately don;t think I'm pregnant.

Answers:    The morning after pill is a surge of hormones so it can really mess up your usual cycle. However, it also has a small dead loss rate, so if it would make you consistency better take a pregnancy oral exam. If it comes back gloomy, it's just a waiting activity to see when your regular cycle picks up again. Good luck.

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