My boyfriend is pushing HARD for me to move about on the pill so he doesn't own to wear condoms anymore.direction needed

I'm 19 and my b/f is 22. We've been dating for more or less 5 months and have be sexually active for newly over 1 month. He's worn a condom each and every time we've made love because I'm super paranoid and it would be disastorous if I ever get pregnant at this point in my enthusiasm.

He has really be on my case almost going on the pill so that he won't have to wear condoms anymore. While he is the one and with the sole purpose person I've ever have sex with, he be in a 4 year relationship up to that time he started dating me and his ex-g/f was on the pill. He say it hard for a guy to be in motion from sex without a condom to sex next to a condom.

He also told me that he will pay for the pill so that my parents won't find out (they're impressively old fashioned almost sex). I'm just worried in the order of how effective the pill is for preventing pregnancy! Does anyone know.

I want to engineer sure I don't get pregnant (not worried around STDs, I made him get tested and he be clean), but I love my b/f and I want to make him lively.
Any suggestions

Answers:    That's great that you are so responsible!! Especially since you not only wear a condom every time but you also have him tested. But I understand why you are concerned beside getting pregnant. Honestly, I think person on the pill is your decision and not his. And if he's not merry with your declaration he doesn't love you enough to want to kind YOU happy :O)

The pill does other things to your body, I know culture experience mood swings, high blood pressure, and counterweight gain. You really should talk to your ob/gyn almost it and see if there is a upright pill that would work for you and understand the benefits AND the side effects, because again it's your body.

And contemplate twice about why he's so ardent for you to go on the pill, he shouldn't be pressuring you to do anything. Not if he loves you.

You nouns like a really smart girl, I'm sure you'll kind the right decision. Best of luck!
embezzle the pill obviously it worked for the other girl rite? The pill is markedly effective at preventing pregnancy. Statistics articulate 99% effective vs. condoms which rate more or less 80% effective. They are undemanding to in recent times have to remember to lug them the same time every morning, and for the first few weeks, you will have to use a condom (the doctor will explain this), until the hormones surrounded by your body get accustomed to the pills and can prevent pregnancy.
its YOUR body do what u want! if u be in motion on the pill make sure its for u not him!! Well, since your the girl, surrounded by my opinion, i consider you should do what you feel comfy near. Hes just looking out whats perfect for him. Not for you. I know its hard to look (a) it similar to that because you love him, (I was contained by this sticky situation too once before At AGE 18+NOW 21) But if you want you could try condoms for girls? But i used to embezzle the pill + use a condom no matter what, produce i was a verbs wart
Speak to him + Tell him your worries.

Good luck girlfriend.I wish you the best.
preserve me posted!
I;m on he pill and i would trust it more than a condom personally. But you shouldn't be pressured by him. sex is sex. yes its better for them short a condom but even with a condom its still sex and if he really wishes sex and respects you he'll continue.
I'm paraniod to in the region of the pill that is why I'm on the pill and my boyfriend still wear a condom.
I think you should do what your comfortable beside and make sure he know your scared. grasp your facts striaght about the pill and take home your own choices.
Um, you need to report to him that HE WILL STILL HAVE TO USE A CONDOM even if you do go on the pill!! I ponder that unless you are married (or living with significant other) you should other practice safe sex...and the merely way to do to be precise abstinence or use a condom!
And I see that you voice he's been "tested". But didn't you know that it can give somebody a lift 5 to 7 years for HIV to show up? That's a scary thought but awfully true. I would just resembling to say that getting on birth control conspicuously does reduce the risk of pregnancy but do realize that if you are on it, you can still find pregnant without a condom, although it is occasional. Besides that fact, if you DO NOT want to use BC or do not consistency comfortable without a condom when you are on BC consequently do not do it. He is not the one that will be carrying a baby for 9 months, you are. If he still pushes the issue I would notably consider leaving him, you do not want a boy that cannot respect your decision.
Depending on the brand of pill it is around 95-98% effective. However some other side effects can be experienced such as mass gain, depression and lowered sex drive. Do your research before it.
Even if on the pill you must trust him seriously to let him turn wihout a condom, in this time of so lots STDs.
Personally I prefer to use both methods in combination (better safe and sound than PREGNANT lol)
Your body is supposed to be regulating your hormones, this is how you were designed. Often the pill is used to force period to be regular, as well as protect from pregnancy. I’ve see all kind of nasty side effects, from small nuisances, to women whose entire time is messed up forever like loosing their uterus. The pill can be drastically dangerous. I attain suicidal on it. When I was choosing a bc method, I researched them adjectives. What I came up near was the diaphragm. It works in need hormones so you don't end up beside these huge Natzi hormones overthrowing and controlling your natural cycle. It's close to a female condom, you can't have a feeling or see it and neither can he. You put a little spermicide on the rim, which seal it and kills any trouble maker. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as effective as the pill, (99.9% effective), on the pregnancy division, perhaps better as you are also using spermicide. The doctor will fit you to return with the right size and to show you how to put it in and remove it. It's easier than to remember to run a pill everyday when you’re not gonna have sex everyday. You a moment ago have to remember it when you’re going to own sex. If you forget it, of course it doesn’t work at adjectives. If periods are an issue in relation to sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over night. It be my favorite bc method. However like the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will snuff out you.
Peace..physicians assistant Well, the fact is that the pill is a more significant contraception device than condoms, except that it wouldn't protect you against sexually transmitted diseases.

Want the statistics? Pill: 92-99.7% Condoms: 85-98%

You can also get an injection which last for about 3 months (97-99.7% effective). However, ultimately it's still your choice as to what you want to do.
The pill is more significant than a condom in preventing a pregnancy (I enjoy had a condom break), however they can own side effects. I have taken the pill for 2 years and increasingly become depressed, aggressive and suicidal (I feel your aching Linda). I also have have friends and family member react unsuccessfully to the pill (depression, vomiting etc). Of course a lot of women do not experience those symptoms, of late be aware that those are possible side effects. i'm glad to hear that you've been using condoms and that your boyfriend have been tested for stds. However, the certainty that call yourself "super paranoid" for insisting on condoms everytime concerns me. That's not one paranoid *at all*, that's using birth control properly. I know you might not have expected it that seriously, but it still sent up a little bit of a red flag, if that make sense.

As for using the birth control pill --yes, it is one of the most effective forms of contraception *but* it does not work for ever woman. Many woman are not sufficiently expert to use the pill because of side effects. If you decided to try it you should chew over of it as *trying* it, you may find that you are one of the many women who experience ongoing depression or other side effects. If your boyfriend think sex with a condom is fruitless, try sex with a woman whose breasts are too tender to touch lacking hurting her or whose sex drive has evaporated. I'm not trying to bestow the pill a bad rap, most women experience with the sole purpose temporary distrustful side effects. But what will happen if you walk on birth control and find that you can't tolerate it? How will your boyfriend feel more or less going back to condoms then--or will he be on your baggage to stay on it?

I know you asked about the efficiency of the pill in preventing pregnancy and not whether or not it be good concept for other reasons, but I hold say that it is never a suitable idea to mess around near your body to make someone else well. It's great that you love your boyfriend and want to make him ecstatic, but if he loves you he shouldn't pressure you about this. At adjectives. Period. It's one thing to bump up the question of altering your method of birth control, its another piece entirely to bug you about it. If it's *that* awful for him to use a condom, why doesn't he walk get a vasectomy. They're reversible, you know.

I would suggest that for the moment you experiment near doing things to make condom use more pleasing for your boyfriend. If you haven't done so yet, experiment near using different lubricants inside the condom, different brands, sizes, etc. Starting on BC because of pressure from anyone else inevitably leads to resentment and unexpected power dynamics that will mess up your relationship down the road. I'd say chill on it til you've be dating for a little more than 5 months and your bf have shown the maturity to know how to stfu and appreciate what he's got. If at some point after that *YOU* settle on that you'd like to try hormonal bc, run for it.

Hope that was caring, and good luck!
People voice your boyfriend is selfish, but within reality the two of you are within this together and you're both equally responsible for your actions. Therefore it shouldn't be any more your declaration than his. You should take into information that although people right to be heard he's selfish, the pill is certainly MORE effective contained by preventing pregnancy than just condoms.

Also, michelerenee696 is incorrect. It can thieve up to 10 years after getting HIV for the symptoms of AIDS to develop. But HIV itself can be detected in test 3 months after the encounter. I know- I've been tested previously. (in case you're wondering it be negative) :)

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