Cat Scratch...? Weird Place...?

my cat scratched me on the n!pp/e and it left a scab. how do i keeping for it?

also does anyone else have stories close to these?

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The best piece I can recommend is "Bag Balm." It is a cream (with more of a consistency of Vaseline) that was originally used for cows' udders when they get chapped. It is amazing! Just put some on at night and by morning it should perceive much better and it will help it restore to health quickly. You can buy it within most grocery and drug stores - it is in a green square metal container a few inches high-ranking. There are other brands, but this is the original and the one that works best for me. It is also great for hangnails, scabs, dry elbows and foot - anything that is rough, dry or basically needs some TLC. It is not expensive, any, and the container will last a long, long time! Sometimes I hold seen it surrounded by small containers that could fit in a purse, too, but I haven't seen one that size within a while.

My thought: If it is good ample for farmers to use on cows to keep them at ease, then it should be pious enough for our little scrape and dry skin!

Oh, and be careful - I be bitten by a cat in March and two days subsequently was rushed into surgery (had to sign a release for them to amputate my finger if necessitate be) and spent 5 days in the hospital, 6 weeks at home on IV antibiotics, and have rabies shots - all because I be trying to help a cat that have been hit by a coup?? and had two broken legs. I'm sure your cat be vaccinated - but this be a stray.

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Perhaps it didn't care for your milk

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Same as any other scuff. Wash it with soap and sea, apply neosporin ointment.

Women ONLY!?

yea my girl have one of those
i licked it and it fixed right up
in recent times tell me to turn over and ill fix it for you

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well not like that but my cat scratched me on my mitt and i endup in the hospital next to a swollen hand so my suges to u would be to really look into it create cats scratch the litter box so seriously of nasty infections can settle in

Can You oblige me only for ladies ..?

OUCH! Use a mild cream: polysporin to stop any infection

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First, make sure you preserve your cat away from your nipples next time. That's no place for a kitty to be. Next, exactness for your wound. Make sure you clean the nouns with a mild soap and wet. Then use some antibiotic cleanser on a daily idea. Good Luck.

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Rubbing alcohol. Its the best to put together sure you never get an infection. Then install a bandaid and when you consistency all better purloin it off, but not slowly. Make sure you rip the entry off your nipple and if you still grain pain. See a doctor.

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Whenever a cat scratches you, other wash it angelic with soap and dampen or alcohol and peroxide. It is easy to acquire an infection or blood poisoning from a cat scratch, due to their paw being within the litter box and outside...

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Get some neosporn and put on it, after the scab has gone away if in that is a scare budge get some upset cream and put on it.

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