Is it dangerous for a woman to maintain a body fat % of 12%?

even if she is at a sound weightiness for her increase?
will it affect her menses or net her period stop at this percentage of body obese?
i'd approaching to slim down freshly a bit (and STILL be in my sound cargo range), and tone up to procure my BF% below 15%, but i'm afraid it would affect my menstrual cycle or anything else...i be told that most supermodels, swimsuit models, womanly athletes and ballerinas hold stopped getting their period because of their really low body round.
please guidance?

Thyroid medication..self medicate?

12% is lately fine

11-13% is normal

Whoops - I misread that. 10-13% is the minimum ESSENTIAL oil level for women.

You'll survive fine.

Is There Any Site I can travel to to see if Im overweight?


Help! Can't stop this bloated idea?

My suggesstion. Don't try to slim down. Try to live a full-bodied go and next it will show.

I'm an overweight character for as long as I can remember and I know, that everytime I consume more or less my weightiness, I gain more. I'm not motto, your body will do this.

I do know that if you diet and do so several exercise, lacking replacing the calories you burn, consequently your body will stir into starvation mode, in truth storing your body podgy instead of burning it.

I influence, amend a decent lifestyle. Eat tough. Exercise. Meditate sometimes and smile.

A few indulgence in moderation won't hurt you.

Pro's and Con's of Tampons?

No Dangerous, But Because You Eat Less, So Low Vitamins, So Eat More Multi Vitamins, To Change Or Convert Your Diet, You Will Have A Good Body, Good Healt, Oo.. Yah.. Add Some Sports.. Best Regards,

Yasmin vs. Yaz?

Do not bother.

Eat simply when hungry and not more than thrice a hours of daylight. Nothing except hose contained by between. Include plenty of rare vegetables and fruits surrounded by respectively feast, preferably 50%. Chew respectively morsel at lowest possible 32 times to put into action ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take street lamp exercises and brisk walk regularly preferably twice a year.

U will do what u enjoy not even dreamt and that too surrounded by a fair time. Do not be contained by a hurry.
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