First time?

I conspicuously am a virgin and i plan to untill marraige. But i've other wondered almost sex. Does it hurt your first time? & if it did how old-fashioned be you when you first did it.

I own be have sex next to my girlfriend, but she say it hurts?

I be virgin until my honeymoon darkness, and my husband be outstandingly peaceable and considerate. I feel a sudden sting and consequently the rest be wonderful.

Why does it burn?

I wait into I be 18 to loose my virginity I also alien him for 3years prior to me giving it up, It hurted when he first put it in but after I realize I be making love to the man I love it didnt hurt atleast my mind wasnt on the anguish,, after the reality it did hurt when I peed I didnt know what to expact I be a lil worried but next my sister be resembling thats middle-of-the-road,, I chew over you should loaf and also be comfortable beside the creature you are doing it near

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It does hurt a touch but if your husband is meek and know what he is doing, afterwards it should adjectives be honourable and you can delight in! I be really timid my first time, but realize that if I freshly relax it be so much better.

Best wishes :)


Yes it hurts the first couple of times. I be 49 the first time-JOKING! I be 15 and regreated it for years.

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Kudos to you for staying a virgin until you're married. It can hurt the first time especially if the other human being is over zealous. I will describe you this much, when that right personage comes along he'll know what to do or you will cram together but when adjectives is done right, in that will be feelings/stirrings in your body that will panic the you know what out of you--just relax and walk beside it--it's the greatest passion contained by the world.

PCOS any warning?

Yeah the first time it does hurt. at smallest it did for me.
But after awhile the throbbing go away...
you might touch a touch sore the subsequent afternoon but its run of the mill...
I be and still am 17 when i lost my virginity.
And although i want i wait for someone who loved me hindmost i don't own any regrets."never regret something that for even a second made you smile"

How long does it rob the depo shot to bear away your time?

I be 14. It hurt, but I did not bleed.

There can be misery when the hymen breaks upon penatration. There can also be some blood.

The hymen is the scrawny membrane that sometimes covers the first showing to the vagina if you're a virgin. I say-so "sometimes" because, even if you haven't have sex, the hymen can do a bit of a disappearing achievement due to an overzealous workout at the gym, horseback riding, tampons, and even dedicated "pouring petting" next to your boyfriend. (It's not an impenetrable line, anyway, as it have holes to allow menstrual blood to escape.)

When you're turned on, the uterus and cervix rise, lengthening the vaginal tube. When his penis penetrates, the walls of the vagina stretch to accommodate the difference.

For some, the first few times spawn you be aware of sore, as it's be an unused muscle or even hurt, if you aren't properly lubericated, resembling the guy is within a hurry, doesn't arouse you and your body isn't in position.

Relaxing, foreplay, mortal fully aroused or better but, you have an orgasm FIRST or using a lubricant approaching KY-Jelly or Astro-Glide can back
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