I had a misscarige 6 years ago dident go to the doctors?

i be 10 weeks pregnent i passed tissue,blood i should of gone to the doctor but i dident do you regard it be a complete misscarige

3 babies contained by 4 years HELP !! I entail some excercise suggestion?

you should enjoy gone to the docs, i believe it be, if you want to enjoy more kids contained by the adjectives you should progress to the gynocologist, and correct luck :)

I hold a sex put somebody through the mill for women?

you should run to the dr to see if any spoil be done and why it happen

Plz oblige explain :(?

if it be 6 years ago and you haven't have any problems and are still getting your time regularly after I would read out yes it was

eta- I miscarried until that time I have my second daughter ( and I didn't see a doctor almost it) and be pregnant again inside two mths and give birth to a very soon 8mth prehistoric vigorous little girl

I go to the gyno concluding week and?

Oh, not YOU again. Folks, this individual have be asking this ask for MONTHS. Don't foot any attention to her. She of late requests attention. Look at her previous question.

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so? this happen to women every afternoon. if you needed medical thought 6 yrs ago, you would enjoy get it. do you own an annual gyn check?

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yes cuz if you didnt enjoy the kid in part or adjectives the later yes it be a miscarrige

are near symptoms of pregnancy when u r one month pregnant?

I'm sure it be a miscarriage if you know you be 10 weeks and its be 6 years. if something be wrong you would enjoy specified by very soon.


If you didn't own any problems since it may enjoy be complete. Usually the Dr does a D&C to craft sure the womb is clear. You can risk infection by not seeing a Dr.

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If it wasn't you would own have infection. I have one at 11 weeks a few years ago. I have an ultrasound to be sure and the doctor said everything be out. I guess some of the pool liner surrounded by my uterus didn't shed and I have horrible infection inside two days. So if you didn't own any it have to hold be adjectives out. It took me three years to acquire pregnant again but in a minute I hold a stunning 2 month ancient babe-in-arms boy!!

I enjoy really irregular period?

If you hadnt had a full miscarriage you would enjoy be sick next to disorientation and nausea in a month of the miscarriage and if unobserved you could own died its be six years so apparently you get lucky and passed it fully. Youve asked this examine copious times in a minute though so you know this. From now on ask relevant question simply once or itll be reported as spam.

I call for counsel! please!?

If you have not passed adjectives the tissue, you would own get not a hundred percent soon after the miscarriage. Physically your body coped fine, but you asking a query roughly it in a minute, make me wonder if you own not get over it psycologically. That is fairly usual even after 6 years, especially if you never discussed it next to someone.
It is not too in arrears to turn to a support group (in UK the Miscarriage Association) or counsellor. You can find them on-line or via your doctor.
I own be through a miscarriage twice and know it is intensely tough and something no-one ever conference more or less, so friends are not other a legitimate support, even if they own be through it themselves.

I'm asking on my friend be partially this is for my friend?

Why don't you find a more entertaining sound out to re post? Hm.

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GIRLS ONLY! I haven't have my term within awhileis it stress?

that sounds approaching a miscarriage to me. why didn't you run to the doctor? that sounds really tramatic mentally even if it didn't hurt your body physically.

i construe you should run to the doctor. possibly near's a physical/psychological effect from the miscarriage to be exact making it frozen for you to procure pregnant.
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