Whats happening ? no insults please?

im vomiting , some things i guzzle , my legs is other cramping, my breast hurts, my stomach is geting big ,but its not rock-hard ,
and im also putting on substance,and my palms, beneath my foot other itching

Girls Only Please no stupid answers!?

It could be a little things. The best passageway to find out would be to progress to the doctor.

i hold facial spine on my facade why? close to the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

Rochelle, you could hold one or more things going on. You may be worried you are pregnant, but not necessarily. Instead of guessing, a doctor can put your mind at help and digit out what is going on.

for the ladies?

Sounds approaching your pregnant. Take a interview, if you founder you should immediatly step to the docter.

Whats the fastest and most potent opening to bring rid of dreaded cellulite on the thighs?

You could be pregnant.

Inverted Nipples?

You might be pregnant. But instead of worrying in the order of it so much, why don't you merely jump to the doctor and find out?

How can I break it to my parents im pregnant at age 19 by my boyfriend?

well that adjectives sounds close to your pregnant your vomiting may be the morning sickness or newly mortal sick from it if your foot are swelling and getting itchy thats the start of foot getting wider from pregnancy putting on cargo is from the kid or fetus and your breasts are getting bigger thats why they're hurting so you may be pregnant
get a oral exam later walk to the clinic

How can i check to see how fertile i am?

sounds resembling your pregnant!

but you could be thinking more or less it soooooo much that your have a phantom pregnancy (its not real) its only just because your thinking nearly it so much.

but to clear your mind step see a doctor, it could freshly be something else or a numerous things.

bear attention angelic luck xxxxxxxxxxx

Need counsel or give a hand on a couple of things!?

you're pregnant probably

My sister say if u wanna attain flexible u own to strech when just ur little?

Duh, you're pregnant!

Do I stipulation to see a doctor, or should I keep on this out?

See a physician for a diagnosis. Take a pregnancy audition.

Why don't gynecologists put on alert women something like endometriosis?

Sounds approaching pregnancy. But, you should know if at hand's a indiscriminate that you're pregnant. If nearby's a man surrounded by your sexual time, a enormously apt arbitrary. If not, later I would be worried. If you know you can't be pregnant, step to the doctor without hesitation. If within's a casual, lift the pregnancy tryout, and if comes out gloomy, walk directly.
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