Question about birth control?

I'm a 16 year outdated smoker on birth control. Since I'm single 16 am I at risk for anything or is that individual relevant to elder women?

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Chance of blood clot respectively year:

not on pill (under 35) - 3 surrounded by 10,000
on pill (under 35) 8 contained by 10,000
smoker on pill (under 35) 8 surrounded by 1,000
not on pill (over 35) 3 within 1,000
on pill (over 35) 8 surrounded by 1,000
smoker on pill (over 35) 8 in100.

Your providence of getting a blood clot is like peas in a pod as a women over the age of 35 who take the pill but doesn't smoke.

Also, tobacco reduce the body's proficiency to metabolise the hormones contained by the pill - so you may involve a difficult dose pill to prevent spotting etc.

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Smoking puts you at risk no event what your age. Does it really business if the bc will variety it worse? Do what it take to quit smoking in a minute and you won't hold to verbs something like it. I basically watch my honest friend die of lung cancer. People who didn't know her so in good health thought she have lived a long and joyous enthusiasm. The reality is she be simply 50. She looked 70 because of smoking her together duration. At 16 that probably seem similar to a long mode rotten and that you enjoy years to quit. But do it presently because it just get harder. Besides, enjoy you ever added up how much you are spending on cigs? You could probably buy a modern motor. Please pilfer thoroughness and focus on your vigour.

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The risk is greatest for women over thirty five, but in that is still a huge risk for anyone. Smoking make your blood clot easier. So does the extra estogen surrounded by the B/C pills. When you put the two together, it can produce stroke, blood clots within the legs or surrounded by the lungs, any of which can destroy you. my direction to you would be to quit smoking. It is not cool and it make your teeth washed out and your clothes and coat smell unpromising. And believe me, it will be MUCH easier to quit smoking presently than to skulk for 10 more years.

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You smoke, so you are increasing your risks of blood clots and strokes, regardless of your age.
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