Do IUD's cause miscarriages?

I hold hear varying info as to how IUD's in actuality work. I get a copper Paragard IUD after my son be born because my body can't switch hormonal birth control ('ve tried adjectives kinds) and I'm allergic to latex (so condoms are out of the question). But, since I've have it, my period hold be so hurting and sporadic (I know what week it's coming, but no conception what day) and they finishing roughly 10 days. Some months when it's running postponed I start worrying that I'm pregnant b/c I start off intuition nauseated and tired and find hot flashes and dizzy spells. But, consequently my interval starts- so I know I'm not. But, I it possible that on those months I own truly conceived and the IUD is cause a miscarriage? Or is this a short time ago hardcore PMS? I can't give the impression of being to find a clear answer as to how copper IUD's really work...some websites read aloud the copper of late confuses the sperm, and some come right out and speak that not a soul is really sure how they work. Can anyone shed some insubstantial on this sitation? Thanks

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No, IUD's don't create miscarriages; for a miscarriage to ensue, an embryo must be implanted within the uterus and IUD's don't allow this to develop. IUD's achievement as a rule by cause change surrounded by the composition and viscosity of the mucus present within the cervical passage so sperm can't break into into the uterus, stir up the fallopian tubes and fertilize an ovum. They also alter the endometrium [lining of the uterus] so any fertilized ova can't implantation within near, surrounded by defence that a hardy sperm succeeds contained by pointed the cervical mucosa. As for the backache, an IUD is a foreign purpose that's placed inside your uterus; really, the basic judgment women enjoy their IUD's removed is due to throbbing and chunky bleeding. Thus, the aching and bleeding aren't related to an precipitate miscarriage, but to the presence of the IUD within your uterus; within certainty, within tons women the uterus contracts contained by an hard work to seize rid of the IUD, and some in actuality expell it. If you've have your IUD within place for more than three months and the agony and bleeding are still making you thoroughly mortified, reach a deal to your doctor just about an alternate birth control method.

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IUD users own twice as masses miscarriages as do nonusers. Your doctor should remove your IUD right away if the strings are still distinct. After removal of an IUD near distinct strings, the miscarriage rate is in the region of 30 percent

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I not long considered getting an IUD and did a bit of research on them. They very soon propose a much safer IUD call Mirena i.e. made of plastic. The copper ones are considered a touch insecure and are injudicious anymore. There is also a condom explicitly made of lambskin for society that are allergic to latex. They deal in them within Walgreens and several other pharmacies. You should speak next to your doctor because you could be experiencing miscarriage. I significantly suggest switching to Mirena. BTW the IUD releases hormones that tinny your uterine facing and mucous and literally tricks your body into thinking it's pregnant. Good luck
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