Can some women back me out here?

During a self breast exam today, I expressed dark blood out of one of my nipples. I a moment ago had my twelve-monthly mamo and I am freaking out. Has this ever happened to you?

Answers:    Honey..I would distinctly call my dr. first article in the morning. It could possible be nothing..but near something like this you don't want to purloin any chances. And kuddos to you for person up to date on your mammograms and self breast exams. Just call the dr...even if its a moment ago for piece of mind. Good luck to you!!
think you better budge for further test. when is your mammo restult coming our. Usually discharges frm nipples indicate breast cancer. Do you quality any lumps around the breast? any foul smell frm the discharges. if yes. go to your doctor and get hold of help hastily and you can still fight. Dont run away a moment ago because you are scard. with impulsive treatment breast cancer can be cured. Sorry. I am not trying to scare you. Just want you to figure out the seriousness of this. don t get mistrust. u just consult a apt doctor. its only the best process to get over from the distress. bcaz its sesitive skin, so we don t cure ourself. k.

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