Birth Control question?

I enjoy be taking birth control for times past two weeks and enjoy be terrifically honest something like taking it at around equal time every hours of darkness. Out of curiosity however, I required to know what sort of time frame do you enjoy for taking the pills around.approaching do you own to purloin them at EXACT same time or is in that some sort of hourly time frame to crash within?

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If you are on the progesterone lone pill - the mini pill - you enjoy to be extraordinarily accurate - you can thieve it up to 3 hours postponed minus have to treat it as a missed pill.

If you are on a combined pill - most populace are - you can pilfer it up to 12 hours unpaid short have to count it as a missed pill. You may find that you go and get spotting if you appropriate it more than 6 hours overdue a couple of days contained by a row.

I purloin my pill at noontime - that course I'm awake for the subsequent 12 hours so I own a much better prospect of remembering it and taking it previously the 12 hours is up.

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The doctors would resembling you to bear it around one and the same time. But I one-sidedly don't. Especially next to my abnormal work hours. The influential point is as long as you remember to rob it everyday.

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Usually as long as you pinch it everyday, you are fine. Like what be said previously, the doctors would bring up to date you to thieve it at duplicate time everyday, but for plentiful citizens specifically really not easy. I be on pills after moved to the shot, but as long as I took my pill everyday I be fine. I did it this opening for 2 years and never have a problem. Hope this help some.

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Depends what sort you own.

The majority of women use the combination pill which is the 21 days of actual pills and 7 days of a sugar or iron pill during your actual length. With this type of pill it is well brought-up to transport them around equal time, few hours bad doesnt hurt.

With the other pill, the progestin hormone pill. You help yourself to 28 straight days of hormone pills every cycle. This pill is more strict and wants to be taken more around like time. I'd read aloud no more than 3 hour max of the time you transport it as a rule.

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YES. It is best to purloin the pill like peas in a pod time everyday . If you dont you could pop up pregnant. Play It Safe
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