I've been having horrible stomach cramps all day anyone know anything to make it go away?


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a hot wet bottle!
I have them this mornig and a hot hose down bottle on my stomach (filled near hot hose :D ) TOOK THEM AWAY

Burning when peeing, blood in urine, tacky white dischargemaybe pregnant?

if you haven't have a B.M try that.

Someone PLEASE give a hand me out.desperate! Miscarriage?

Take some aleve, or even though its for menstrual cramps, hold some MIDOL, its get something in it call pyrithium maleate which help to contentment cramping, I've in fact taken it for leg cramps and rear cramps and it works slightly resourcefully.

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Are they from your spell? If they are in attendance are several things you can do. I'd suggest doing adjectives of them for the BEST results.

1) Take an ALIEVE or ADVIL! Don't lift ANY drug to be exact "made" to releave you of your cramps, because it's a refuse of money and just EVER works!

2) Drink a LOT of wet.

3) Exercising also help releave cramps in good health. Although it might be somewhat worse after you do it (unless you've taken medication already) within the long run you will grain A LOT better.

I hope this help!

heat unwary??!!?

advil other works for me. product sure to obtain the soft gel so it will work faster. appropriate luck!

What can explanation?

I would suggest using a heat wipe. They work massively all right. When I find cramps, I use heat pad and within give or take a few 10 minutes they are gone, you should also consider taking an Advil, the soft gel. The strong ones work really capably. I've also found that if you exercise it can lend a hand relieve cramps, but surrounded by some cases they might find worse, if you do not embezzle medication first.

Hope this help!

Can you obtain pregnate if you've be on the depo shot for something like a year & you be 3 days past due taking the end 1

If you are referring to mentrual cramps later somethings I suggest are heat wad, hot tea, Midol, and cardio. Heat supresses cramping; Midol is flawless for adjectives menstrual pains, bloating, and gas; And cardio is well-mannered because cramps come from blood clots, and cardio (running) keep the circulation flowing... Hope this help ;-)

birth control support ?

Try putting a electrical heat wad on your stomach, or the hot pad form the store (theyre call resembling thermal pad or something) and put it where on earth you have a feeling the cramps. It will relieve the cramps and losen the muscles. Don't put away foods elevated within saline. Try doing something besides merely lay around, running is a great means of access to relieve cramps. Take pamprin, that works great too!
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