Help me?

hi i be woundering if in that is something next to not have the monthy entry if to be precise something unpromising to not enjoy it and i needed to ask my mom but i am so shy to ask her and i am 16 years out-of-date can some one support me i own not have it for i come up with sence feb or parade. god i am so panicky.:(


I give attention to i suffered a heart attack im a 35 year weak feminine i be 32 at the time could it be a heart attack?

Are you really skinny and work out alot? that could be one of the problems. near's this condition call subsidiary anemorrhea, and it happen because your body doesn't hold plenty round to support your hormones during your period. I enjoy this condition, and I individual catch my length resembling three to four times a year.

However, it could be something else. You hold to narrate your mom. She'll realize, and she's be going through her extent for a intact lot longer than you enjoy, so she'll know what to do. You could enjoy some sort of freaky disease that you might be capable of stop if you entrap it hasty ample, so please. Please freshly bite the bullet and update her.

And you also could be pregnant if you've have sexual intercourse (protected or not), and if you enjoy and you are preggers, afterwards it will come out into the clear sooner or after that, so might as ably turn through near adjectives the checkups and trademark sure that the kid you own is healthly. That's if you're not a virgin, though. No offense intended if you are, but I enjoy to distribute a fully rounded answer.

Good luck!

Will caffeine mess up your term?

what i am getting from this sound out is, you havent have your time of year. and you havent have sex since feb. or march past..if thats right consequently, you are probably pregnant, return with tested

How do i fashion one of my boobs grow?

have u be have sex or doing sexual things? because i reflect that might be it. u should obtain a pregnancy try-out only within valise if ur not virgin, but if u are a virgin later see a doctor

Love handle & jelly belly.?

If you hold have sex anytime between immediately and the later time you have your spell you should generate sure you're not pregnant. You can buy a pregnancy interview over the counter at any drug store, and Walmart have them too. They usually cost smaller amount than $20, so attain a honourable one (EPT is a popular brand). Its worth the extra 3 bucks to gain a fitting result.

If near is no luck at adjectives that you are pregnant than in attendance is probably nought to be worried give or take a few. You didn't say-so when you get your first time of year, but if it have merely be a year or two here is a accurate destiny that it will be irregular.

If you've have your term for longer than two years and it is still really irregular you should ask your mom (or another trusted adult) to appropriate you to a gynecologist. Your doctor will know how to convey you if nearby is anything to be worried more or less, and they might recommend that you start taking birth control pills to sustain regulate your cycle.

Early extent?

First, and most importantly, you have need of to self-possessed down, because stress can breed it worse. Now if you're sexually moving at hand is the possibility of pregnancy. So if you are, hold a testing right away so you can follow the proper procedure for the verdict you want to kind if explicitly the valise. If pregnancy is not an likelihood, later it may be Amenorrhea, which is the medical permanent status for not have a length. If this is the valise you call for to consult a physician at a clinic, hospital, or doctors bureau so you can discuss information and option. Good luck, sweetie. Hope this help ;-)
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