Help!! need answer within 2 hrs...another question about physicals?

i know, this is another question in the order of physicals..
but i be basically wondering: im purely so uncomfrotable next to the hypothesis of providing a urine preview at my doctor's organization iw as wondering if i could purely do it here at home, walk here and switch it while surrounded by the washroom there
the single problem is although i will valet the container beforehand i use it here, technically it isnt sterile so after if in attendance is any small amount of germs still within the container...could it besmirch my token? and within would solely be a 2-3 hr difference surrounded by the samples
i dunno perchance this sounds crazy and everything...but would it be okay if i did it and a moment ago give somebody a lift the preview closer instead of over at the doctor's?
i know, chance question but any serve provioded will be greatly appreciated!!

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No, you can't.

The warmth of the urine will be rotten, and the indication will not be sterile.

Go ahead and tinkle in the cup they offer you when you return with near.

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Collect a sterile pot from your surgery, use at home next embezzle to your physical.
Swapping urine sample could be misconstrued by various relatives.

Mi period arent regular is that usual?

so youd be more comfortable carrying someone else's urine in a bottle for a couple hours?

my first instinct is that youve be doing drugs, and i dont beleive they tryout for drugs if youre going to a doctor's organization (though i could be wrong). they look at other things similar to protein and glucose level to label sure your pancrease and kidneys are functioning right.

what are the genus of test which can proove a womans viginity?

well thats what you do for pregnancy test and stool sample surrounded by the UK. you own to collect a sterile pot/tube and purloin the taster rear to the surgery surrounded by that. it shouldnt be a problem basically ring them up and enlighten them what you would prefer to do . they can merely voice no!

I"m not have periods/menstruating!?!?!?

sorry, but i wouldnt do it @ home. i have to supply urine sample when i be approaching 7. (kidney issues) its not that fruitless. i no its embarissing. nobody like to pee within a cup but if i be u i would do it @ the docs. Hope i help! Good luck and God bless!

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my doctor permit me dance home pee later come spinal column i dunno why but i really couldn't variety myself step so instead of waisting her time she tolerate me dance home and pee!

someone beside experience surrounded by this?

No. Most doctors won't tolerate you do that. They want to be sure it's your urine and not a soul else's.

It's not that big a concord. Just drink lots of sea so you won't own a problem going...pious luck.
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