How safe is Spermicide plus a condom?

Ok I hold tried birth control its not my entry but how resourcefully does a condom plus a spermicide work will it bequeath me virtuous protection?

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i dont close to taking the pill any it give me side effects so my freind other tell me to use a condom beside spermicde however she have no conception how the hell to use it but i do know that some condoms already come next to spermicide surrounded by them.

Birth Control Yaz?

Spermicide AND condom! Bit of an overkill eh.

Ok tomorrow is volleyball tryouts and im on my 2nd term?

it is out of danger but at like peas in a pod time not much more later a condom for a while more but not 100 percent in a minute purely around a hundred percent when taken beside birth control and using this barrage method / something like the birth control item they produce a pill a shot and a patch furnish some others a looking into if your really worried in the region of it honourable luck

what could be the foundation for this?

it will protect you even more than lately a condom if done properly. you will probably enjoy 99.9% protection (nothing is completely short at least possible 1 disappointment - unfortunately)

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Condoms are really particularly powerful if used properly but alot of general public don't cancel properly so the spermicide as a backup is a virtuous model. Abstinence is the lone 100% decisive birth control... but it's not as much fun!!
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