My g/f asked me to ask - help?

She believes that a girl who masturbates too much or orgasms too commonly or who have sex abundantly will develop smaller quantity firm upper arms, her buttocks will flatten and her thighs will abate firm. She also believes that the more her breasts are fondled, the larger they will procure.
I own tried to explain that this is rubbish but she insists I ask ... not that I mind fondling her breasts at adjectives ...

can body bleaching be done near run of the mill bleach?

If anything be going to transform anything she would be better rotten have a great deal of orgasms because get the heart rate going. I know I other be aware of better after. She desires to stop worrying more or less things that aren't true and relish the sensations.

When some "get their cherry popped".?

is she crazy? this is one of the most funniest item i own ever hear! its not true, please recount her that, none of those stuff start, who put that stuff surrounded by her cranium?

Self-bondage during masturbation?

haha i dont know if her breast would go and get big from fondling..but it will clearly SAG from it.

How do you gain cargo?

Where does adjectives this ridiculous information come from? It is adjectives crap.

I stipulation help out next to the pill!?

Your sounds resembling complete bunkum.....

Girls lone!?

She'd better modification her ways or she's going to find out the concrete mode, or possibly the soft process.

i inevitability abet to realize some things give or take a few gentailwarts?

Someone told her a bunch of crap.
Either that or she is lying since she is too afraid or retiring to in truth hold orgasms.

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It is adjectives bologna

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