Can women have sex during mansturation?


Gyncologists, Some attention please!?

Of course they can! But gross sure that you hang on to it risk-free. It is really historic to use condoms because within is vaginal and ejaculatory fluid, but within is also blood. Also, it is a righteous model to do it on a towel or within the hip bath of late so you don't net a mess. Make sure you share your partner that you are on your time of year up to that time you start have sex lately to label sure that they are alright next to it.

Ugg, so embarresing!?

Yes, a woman can own sex while on her term. It's a personal declaration you and your partner should build. However, keep hold of surrounded by mind that it could be messy. Also, it is still possible to become pregnant even if you are on your interval. Some women might have a feeling self conscious or anxious, or the guy may be grossed out. Other couples don't mind, it's up to the couple to resolve.

has anyone used BREVINOR pill, what be the side effects you get?

yes, but it is extraordinarily messy.
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