Could i be pregnant?

i have sex the 18th of july ... i'm really stressing out though and i dont reflect im pregnant because i have cramps for 3 days straight and enjoy be pmsing .. i usually obtain cramps roughly speaking 5 days since my extent. could i be pregnant or could it basically be stress cause it to capture pushed support even more? :-\

About Seasonal BC?

If you are sexually acitive, it's possible that pregnancy have occur. If this is the shield, your best bet is to continue at lowest possible two weeks after a missed term, and see you doctor for a blood pregnancy exam as this is the most accurate channel of conducting tests. Other reason for term abnormality include stress, consignment gain/loss, thyroid, hormonal inequality, infection, disease, medication, polyp, cyst, amongst other reason. If the blood pregnancy testing comes put money on unenthusiastic, your doctor can do further conducting tests to determine what the exact bring may be.

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It could be any one. If you hold missed your extent afterwards filch a pregnancy check to find out for sure what is going on.

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If you are PMSing, I would guess that you are not pregnant.

If you do not want to receive pregnant, can I suggest that you use a condom subsequent time - where on earth is your cranium?

If you skipped your birth control how probable is it that you will bring pregnant?

Take a pregnancy examination. Most try-out will work up to 5 days beforehand your missed spell. Read the box first though.

Whats wrong near my mom?

It could be both; when you are pregnant you bring cramping and you own sympthoms extraordinarily close to pms, so if more days outdo, you should formulate a exam, freshly to be sure. But relax otherwise it might be stress close to you said.

Good Luck!!


Is it possible to acquire cramps when its not your spell nonetheless?

the same entity happen to me. I did start but i be similar to a week slowly. While i be have sex his condom broke and it gotinside of me. what started me to start past due be the reality that i be stressed just about one pregnate. stress cause you to start postponed. so your best bet is dont verbs nearly dont stress and contained by 2 weeks purloin a oral exam.

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ya, you could be stressed but i don't infer it would tender you cramps. Well hold your ingestion traditions changed, when be the ultimate time you hold your interval, it are you vomiting? I would dance to your local clinic seriously of times at hand free and confidential, and find a pregnancy oral exam done. Here's a website that will describe you more something like pregnancy. Hope this help and pious luck

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I have this same problem a couple of months ago. I thought my extent be coming because I be getting my usuall symptoms. Then I also started to stress over the reality that I could be pregnant. My term never come. If it doesn't come next your pregnant. I go and took a home pregnancy check and I found out I be pregnant. So, perchance you should do like peas in a pod. If your length doesn't come subsequent month and you start to attain morning sickness consequently your probably pregnant.
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