Can you help? mate having weird period things!?

My mate have just now be have month long period next to muscle clump type things in them, getting alot of stomach spasm, headache, and outlook terribly bloated.
Anyone hold any clue what this could be? She's too scar to walk to the doctor's.

i am 14 and i get my first time yesterday. i dont know if this is ordinary, but i saw it and i cried.?

sounds serious procure her to see the doctors immmeeediattellyyy

Body change after sex..?

she surely desires to dance to the dr! I'm not sure what to notify could be several things. Convince her to see the dr.

Women Only Plz!?

she might enjoy to consider facing her fears and going to see a doctor or looking up any symptoms on the internet. if you go to the doctors you may be competent a moment ago to progress to the reception and ask for leaflets on it... hope adjectives turns out okay xx

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There is no route to walk around this except if she is contained by twinge and impression as you describe.. she must travel to the Docs as in that are medical conditions that grounds these stinging conditions. I have something close to that and adjectives they have to do be fit the coil for three years and no backache.. no headache.. no sentiment bloated and have muscle cramps and prolonged period.

Be a worthy mate and stir near her.. sounds similar to you are the best moral support for her.. she is lucky to hold you xx

Labial maw surrounded by teenagers?

has she started any unsullied type of birth control? or any exotic perscription drug? check side effects.
afterwards she have to progress to the doctors. a month long menstrual cycle unless she's menapausal is not a appropriate sign. this is not the type of quiz to be asking in yahoo. this could be the sign of something serious. wouldnt she to some extent find out the problem and treat it to some extent than mortal alarmed and contained by throbbing? it could be something as simple as endometriosis (yes i know not simple but not duration threatening any and can be treated but for cured)
please share her to step to the doctor. specifically really the single smart result she can trade name.

Is this my extent?

Being too worried is not an excuse. There's nought to be terrified of!! Get her to a gynecologist soon. He/she willl enjoy adjectives the answers, and will be serene, and it'll adjectives be confidential. Nothing to be upset something like!! If she hasn't have a pap smear, it's patently time for one. They don't hurt. Tell her to newly look up at the ceiling and believe roughly speaking Hawaii! She's have blood clots, and if near's a problem (which near probably is not) she would want to shut in it untimely. When in attendance's distress, it's time to grow up, be a woman, and whip support of business. :)

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I'm no doctor but it sounds as though she may be suffering from endometritis which is a condition which is relatively adjectives. It's deeply the inflamation of the uterus. It can be treated next to medication so your friend should manifestly see a doctor and seize it see to. There's no call for for her to be humiliated - the doctor will enjoy see tons women next to it and won't expect she's curious or unusual.

It could also be endometriosis - more information here:

Again, various women suffer from this condition so you friend really shouldn't be feeling guilty roughly going to see her doctor.

Why is it that every time after i hold sex?

she must shift to the docs, dance near her to support her if you can so she doesnt go and get too worried and surface alone and startled.

hope adjectives go ok

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Get her to see the doctor.

What happen when you stop taking your birth control?

if she is on the contraceptive pill that could be an explanation for it as i have it when i be on the pill, but if she isnt next she really does involve to stir to the doctor, i know it can be terrifying or mortifying but its better than worrying adjectives the time. reassure her that in attendance is nil to verbs roughly speaking within seeing a doc and you can even request a womanly doc, perchance she could run someone next to her if she is that worried. moral support other make me quality better.
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