Gushing Period (weird, help!)?

I am have a moderately strange time problem. I am 15, own never be regular, and untill this week, i hold be skipping period since february. But a few days ago, my time of year simply started contained by one big gush. Normally i enjoy signs previously i achieve one, but it only started suddenly. After a big gush of blood it be over for that daylight. With the gush, within is a big blood clot(i don't know what its really call but its something see red and not comparatively as liquidy, munificent of close to a blood boger (sorry haha) ) The subsequent sunshine, it happen again, zilch untill a gush of blood and a blood clot. (Oh yes and they are slightly big too, similar to between the size of a thumbnail to an eyeball) It have be going on for 5 days presently, today and yesterday beside pretty frequent blood gushes, almost as if i be have a commonplace interval, except it gushes after stops, gushes after stops. Sometimes a big gush sometimes of late for a moment. What is up next to this? It make no sense. And i dont want to travel to the doctor. What do you imagine it is

I hold an "unexplained mass" on my ovary, and my gynecologist consult is not for 3 weeks.?

Don't verbs, this is lawfully everyday. Your extent isn't a continual flow - it comes in stops and starts. Sometimes the spurts are big gushes, sometimes they are small regular seepings.
As you gain elder, how you hold your body can also influence it - if you sit in one place for a long time and after move, that might loosen up a "gush."
The clots and lumps are pretty run of the mill, too. It's only the excess pool liner of your uterus breaking up into clumps instead of smooth bits.
No entail to turn to the doctor. Just stay hydrated and exercise a short time - cycling or walking abet regulate your cycle.

Sorry to be gross - Yeast infection sound out?

it sounds pretty mundane to me...

Why is it that birth control pills.?

hi i use to enjoy really bleak period. my doctor prescribed me mefenamic tart to pocket while i be on and in a minute my period arent creamy at adjectives and i bring no interval pains next to them

is within a pill that give you shorter period besides birth control?

i have that too it is fine you will be fine soon
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