Lady help plzzzz?

lady give a hand plz my sister enjoy not get her pms surrounded by resembling 2 months presently but she cant own anymore kids do you no who could be wrong oh btw she is solely 30 year outmoded...

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Could be an jam on her fallopian tubes, close to endometriosis. That's serious stuff, carry bad of and communicate her to breed an appointment next to her OB/GYN ASAP.

I'm on Estrostep birth control?

If she is beneath alot stress she will hold missed period.I would also suggest she move about to a doctor!!?

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This could be a sign of menapause,b/c i know i get told when i be 15,that i started going through it...most general public will explain to you that it don't start till your 30`s but i know explicitly bullcrap!Tell your sister to budge achieve check out ASAP!Good luck

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I would suggest she contact her doctor. It could be she is going through an rash menopause.

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It's not that unusual to skip a month or two, however, she should see a doctor to avoid endometriosus etc., which can go off next to the build-up of uterine pool liner. He may prescribe her some progesterone.

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U are dictum she haven't get her interval contained by two may be irregular.

Any one have near tubes tied and how be the exp.?

She should shift and see her doctor because it no interval could be a sign of closely of different things approaching stress, exercise profusely, Endometriosis, ovarian cancer, cyst and abundantly of other things.


uhhh... yea a doctor would back.

Do you still ovulate if you don't own a time?

Better consult doctor are some Natural Home Remedies on PMS
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