Symptoms...What's wrong with me?

Ok.. these are my symptoms:
Exhaustion, moodiness, pessimism, not remembering stuff, cold foot and hand, hackle loss NOT EXTREME, but whenever I unbutton my quill from a ponytail, a bunch falls :(, my fingernails are crumbling, my eyes are really puffy, I enjoy longer and PAINFUL menstrual term, shortness of breath, sensetivity to lighting, and counterbalance loss... what the heck is wrong beside me?

Oh, and I JUST quit smoking... resembling 2 weeks ago; I thought that will craft my form better, not worse!

What could come about if I DID tolerate him do it?

I would unequivocally carry your thyroid checked. You could unambiguously be suffering from a thyroid problem.
When I be diagnosed, my coat be falling out and dreadfully contracted, heart palpitations, constantly tired, incredibly ominous moods, period, digestive problems.
I be hyperthyroid.
It's a simple blood assessment.
But any method I would distinctly progress to the dr...those symptoms aren't conventional.

How did you share your parent/s you have your first interval?

maybe low iron I would dance seize checked out if I be you

"Beyond" tampons? Are they taken bad the marketplace? Those be the bestI can't find them anywhere! Help!

Wait a couple more weeks. the chemical are not out of you system nonetheless.

breast flaccid?

go see a doctor at once! we are not qualified medically and you could be risking your strength here love from the 2penn orths

What are some honest masturbation technique for girls?

It sounds similar to it could be a combination of things. The first partly of your symptoms sounds similar to CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and within are plentifully of feminine problems that could head to ther partner. Definitely shift to the gyno around the tight period, if disappeared untreated it could become a worse problem than basically itchy period. If you're not taking a women's day after day vitamin everyday i would start it can advance your common condition. My OB/GYN told me to rob vitamin E along next to my day after day vitamin for itchy period (and it's great for skin, nail, and hair).

How soon will you know if you're allergic to penicillin?

Looks approaching from your picture your book to port (leaning to the left). I'd check you ballast and enjoy the deck hand shift you contents.
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