Has anyone tryed the ceverical cancer shot?

If you enjoy next could you inform me what styoms you have and if the shot itself hert. I am worried of needals and would really close to to know for someone that have have it. I guess its call Garasell

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i get the shot, and you hold to gain a series of three over a length of time, i get mine in approaching june, very soon within a couple of weeks, and again in november.

it does hurt, im not gonna fabrication, it feel approaching a tetnus shot afterwards. when you seize it, you should win a tabloid for your parents to read over wether or not they want you to obtain it. it will articulate the symptoms too...you could take a hallucination, soreness contained by the nouns and adjectives that suitable stuff, but contained by the finish its totally worth it, it oculd hide away your enthusiasm =]]

My armpits hurt really desperate when i shave. they obtain bumps on them. what can i do?

The Gardasil shot?
Well, from what I remember, my friend only complained of her arm she get the shot within person sore.
But if your doctors/nurses are nice, they'll ask which arm.

It's a 3-shot entity, though.

does anyone else enjoy this?

Gardasil for for females 9-26. The shot is rather throbbing but nil you cant button. PLEASE use your spell check piece.

Cramps previously I get hold of my term?

My daughters get it as did I, but none of us have any antipathy. it is merely a conventional shot. it doesn't sort you sick or anything. in that are no risks involved. i recommend getting it. flawless luck. you will be fine.

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They tried to impart it to our daughter at her resourcefully exam (11)
I said not however I freshly didn't want to be one of the first individuals 'experimenting' I also know an MD who works for the company who make it and she said not to bring back it past 13 and not to abundant populace suffer side effects - Sorry, option I could abet more but I did want to mention it.
My daughters doctor said if he could step spinal column for his own 19 year out-of-date and pick one shot, he'd enjoy chosen this -

I enjoy a dull discomfort on the not here side of my gone breast, any design?

I hold have two of the three and they are small needles they don't hurt here is rather burn as they inject, it last for approaching 3 second and they no more distress. I didn't hold any side effects, and my doctor told me they haven't have anyone transmit them they did any. Its not doomed to failure at adjectives actual rushed and insurence usually will clear for the shots 100%. Its also style worth it I already enjoy one strain of HPV and i'm at a stage 3 and waiting to see if I own cancer. I've gone through alot of misery and test and a short time ago aweful things that I could own prevented have we agreed something like the shot previously. So definately procure it.

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yes. its Gardisal and i get it. its a series of three shots, so you own to turn fund twice after the first shot. the first two times, it did not hurt at adjectives and I have no problems. But the third time it kinda hurt (not that much) and be pretty swollen. the swelling last for something like three days, but that be individual because i have a different doctor than the first two times. so if you capture it, it wont hurt at adjectives. I don`t know you'll capture some swelling but except that i have no side effects. oh and if your wondering you acquire the shot surrounded by your arm.

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i did i get it done closing week it hurt really discouraging but i have also gotten other shots and the gardisil one didnt grasp sore after ward approaching the other one did. u can ask ure doctor give or take a few it he'll grant u a newspaper around the sideeffects

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Yea I own gotton the Gardasil shot. I got adjectives 3. I didn't capture any symptons. Its similar to any other shot. It may hurt for a few second after, but next you are fine. Just bring an ICEE afterwards. . . lol. Good luck.


I have to first of 3 shots on Monday. The actual shot stung a bit but it wasn't anything to verbs around. The subsequent daylight my arm be a bit sore but that where on earth the just symtoms I have. I enjoy to hold another shot within 2 months and next another one 4 months after that.
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