Should I request a partial hysterectomy?

I have always have a normal menstrual since I started my period (23 years ago). However, just about a year ago I actually started missing periods (had tubal ligation a few years ago, so I'm not pregnant. THEN, I started bleeding "antiquated blood" (geez I'm starting to gross myself out here). Anyway, my gyn did a D & C at the end of June. Thought that would fix everything. Then I started bleeding again - thought it was a spell, but it kept on going for three weeks. Doc told me to come in and get a hormone shot. Got the shot - Still bleeding for two more weeks. Doc wishes me to come in and get another hormone shot tomorrow. I'm humane of leary about getting another shot, b/c I am almost 37 years old, (but a non-smoker near normal blood pressure). I honestly don't think that a second shot will work. Should I request a partial hysterectomy (take out the uterus, be off the ovaries). The constant bleeding is causing some mild anemia (I take iron pills) and I contemplate that it is making me more fatigued. Please only genuine answers - I'm SO NOT IN THE MOOD for stupid answers. Think of a woman on her time 24/7 for 8 months - don't mess with me! LOL. Thanks.

Answers:    Have they checked for fibroids or pre-cancerous growths [sorry if this freaks you out]? This doesn't sound resembling a hormonal thing, it sounds very similar to the symptoms my mother suffered from fibroids. She eventually solved it near a full hysterectomy [though a partial one would have also fixed the problem]. With an issue like this, there's no process I could really tell you what YOU should do, just what I would suggest looking into..
I am contained by nearly the same situation.I've bled every day since second Dec. I have weight related hormone problems,and should be on pills,but don't want to budge to the Dr. Imagine bleeding daily being preferable to going to the Dr's.Ask in the region of the Nova Sure procedure.Do NOT ask for a hysterectomy.That is an absolute last resort.The Nova Sure procedure,which if I ever do stir to the Dr.,I'll be inquiring about,basically mildly sear the inside of the uterus so that bleeding is light.Type it in to the flush engine and read about it.I don't know how to do a link or I would.I read adjectives about it on the Nova Sure site.I'd heard going on for it yrs. before as well.

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