How do u get a yeast infection and what do u do about it?

please dont utter its from sex or something dirty because i'm a virgin and not a soul have touched me within except myself or the GYN. i suggest i might enjoy an infection. its adjectives itchy and burns sometimes. and i find this other stuff in my panties when i dont hold to use the bathroom.

A gyno visitfew question!?

Yeast infection are cause my frequent things other next sex. Stress, poor diet, not person verbs or even wearing tight pant..

There are over the counter products that you can buy that will clear it up. And put away some yogurt... that help to

Having unexpected symptoms back!?

I hear ya because I have my first yeast infection as a virgin.

You can seize it from poor hygiene, wearing too tight pant, wearing nylon underwear, sitting around in a showery bathing suit.

The best treatment (especially if it's your first time near one) is to see a Gyn. He/she will supply you pills to slaughter the infection. Some doctors may bequeath you Monistat cream instead of the pills. That works too, but it can be messy. Be sure to finish adjectives of the medication even though it looks resembling the infection have cleared up.

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There is other germs within the vagina, also the intestinal tract -- it supposed to be nearby. It's when it grows extensive that it turns into an infection. You can obtain it from ingestion too much sugar, and the other reason culture own sited. There are over the counter medication but they read aloud singular a doctor can find it truly lower than control. Also, chomp through yogurt.

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yeast infections are cause by fungus and yeast which grow due to an excess of simple carbohydrates surrounded by your body such as graceful sugar, soda pop, white bread and noodles, try intake vegetables and full grain and also a product that help greatly is call Pau'D Arco. you can take this at

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A lot of things can wreak you to seize out of match 'down at hand' and develop a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (BV). Its extremely adjectives and doesn't denote anything is dirty or that you 'caught something ruthless'.

If your discharge is gooey (almost similar to cottage cheese) after it's probably yeast. If it's meagre next to an unpleasant odor, next it's probably BV and you should see your GYN (don't be ashamed ... this is sooooo adjectives!)

Yeast infections are really unforced to treat beside over the counter creams and suppositories. Go to your local pharmacy and look within the women's form subdivision. Even supermarket condition section own it. One brand signature is Monistat, but you can draw from the store brand equivalent for smaller quantity.
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