Contaceptive warning i get none from my midwife?

Ive just have a baby 6 weeks ago,so far ive have no advice on contaception.Im 31 years mature this is my 3rd child and really i dont want anymore,but ive only ever be on the pill which turns me into a monster,i have very bad mood swings.I want my husband to get the snip,but what are the other option.

Answers:    I have an IUD I swear by it! Mine is devout for 10 years and I have have no problems with it. When I first have it placed it gave me doomed to failure cramps for a day but in a minute 3 years later its model. There used to be some bad stuff that go along with the IUDs but I reflect on the problems are all cleared up.Oh and the one I hold has no hormones surrounded by it, PLUS!
Try this,it enables you to breastfeed,but protects against pregnancy. a fixed solution would be to get your tubes tied it is invasive for you so it's best to be sure
if you are sick of BCP near is the depo-provera shot which a lot of relations don't like. you obtain an injection every 3 months.i have used this for over 10yr and am lively with it but it can enjoy side effects. they now enjoy new IUD type devices where on earth it is a little device within the uterus that prevents pregnancy there is the neuvo ring you can ask roughly I'm not exactly sure how this works then nearby are the various forms you insert into the vagina beforehand sex like a diaphragm and cervical boater to use those you need to be comfortable beside touching intimate parts of your body. i understand you tho i go thru almost every kind of birth control to find the one that worked for me...including an set in in the arm that permit off hormones. devout luck with the survey. don't be afraid to ask the ob/gyn and be candid about your desires that what they get salaried for.
I think the pill can be incredibly dangerous. I find suicidal on it. When I was where on earth you are now, I researched adjectives the different kinds of bc. What I come up with be the diaphragm. It works without the hormones so you don't train up with little Natzi hormones overthrowing your body's hormones. It's close to a female condom, you can't quality or see it and neither can he. You put a little spermicide on the rim, which seal it and kills any trouble maker. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as effective as the pill, on the pregnancy member, perhaps better. The doctor will fit you to win the right size and to show you how to put it in and remove it. It's easier than to remember to cart a pill everyday when you’re not gonna have sex everyday. You freshly have to remember it when you’re going to hold sex. If you forget it, of course it doesn’t work at adjectives. If periods are an issue about sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over night. It be my favorite bc method. However like the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will eradicate you.

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