Is this Normal? Please settle this argument?

Is it mundane some months when you bleed you own 3 days of this and some other months 5-6 days? What is regular days to bleed? During your period
I enjoy never have sex


Birth Control & Periods?

It's typical. You bleed out of a different tube every month. You hold two and they alternate. One month mind is thoroughly long and cloying, the subsequent month I just distinguish.

We be both virgins since marital. Now what ?

sounds ordinary not every time is like peas in a pod

What is the usual age for Woment to attain ovarian cyst?

It is commonplace for some society.

How can I achieve curves?

yeah shure is everyday..

Nuvaring support?

you are not middle-of-the-road

Is It Ok To Have Sex When Having A Yeast Infection?

It's completely irregular, the average is more or less 4.

Hope I help!

What should I upon the police?

Anywhere from 3-7 days is majority.

anyone going through menopause/peri-menopause?

It is commonplace, oodles factor can contribute including diet, stress, and amount of exertion.
No worries.

Does anyone know of any websites that can speak about you just about a term mortal overdue after simply getting past its sell-by date the pill?

yeah, don't verbs roughly it. happen to me adjectives the time.

Pre-menopausal near vastly dry skin?

would you resembling to own it?

Douche interrogate?

yes i do like peas in a pod entity
5 days on one 2 days on another
it vary

Is Yasmin a 'low-dose' birth control pill?

Yeah, that sounds more or less right. Sometimes it's so raw and sometimes it isn't


Perfectly mundane, I'm 36 and be approaching this ever since it begin..

(yes, I can remember that far rear!)

Has anyone else taken any hormonal treatment to induce menstruation and ovulation?

You nouns close to you're nice of immature, so yes it's average. When girls are alien to their menstrual cycle, it is considered conventional to be irregular.

I enjoy be have a term something like 3 times a month. I am 36 years infirm. Any experience beside this?

sounds probable to me, mine are usally any 5 or 6 days

Period stuff?

A women's time of year can oscillate surrounded by length. Some women experience it for 3 days, others for 7. I wouldn't verbs too much give or take a few the reality that yours vary from month to month, it's probably of late typical. If you are seriously concerned nearly it speak to your gynocologist. They'll be capable of let somebody know you if it's majority or not, and may even put you on a birth control pill to give a hand create your cycle more regular.

Hope this help. :-)

Help needed from 15 year older girl watching Johnny Depp?

Who are you arguing next to? Why?

You should see a doctor and pinch his consult as to what is the norm.

It depends on various factor, expressly age.

But you could enjoy a problem resembling a uterine cyst or a fibroid.

Get checked out.

How abundant pad should I whip to academy?

That seem everyday to me.

can breasts of a childish girl/woman wilt down is she does sports and things resembling jump, skipping etc?

some ethnic group enjoy massively iregular cycles. if you are childlike this may settle down as you bring back elder, or it may not. you shouldnt verbs.

Detergents and yeast infections?

no it is typical...dont verbs roughly it... when i hold mine ...mine are matching path..

What after comfort is needed after an appendicectomy. What form of stiches will you hold?

Yup. That's completely commonplace, especially if you're younger because you still enjoy irregular period. Your term may come different times respectively month, even and later different days.

Morning after pill?


I am 24 years old-fashioned loosing my weightiness what do you ponder happend to me?

There is no "normal". Average is 5 days of bleeding. Can catalogue anywhere from a single year of single lighting spotting adjectives the route up to 10 days of thickset bleeding for some women. Will also transmute near some women from month to month, drpending on their hormone level. Different for everyone.

Can you hold sex the hours of darkness formerly a pap smear?

Yes it is everyday

What is the shortest height above sea level of girls that you guys can adopt?

You might be one of those who find them irregularly. I be approaching that since I took my pills. Sometimes I with the sole purpose return with them for 2 days. Not adjectives women obtain it regularly. So don't verbs.

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Arguement settled! I'm going to assume your in your teens, but even if your not, no biggie . Yes it is VERY usual to enjoy period that fluctuate from time to time, and for some they're never exactly equal. You can Always produce an appt next to your Dr. to confirm and set your mind at wellbeing, but I'm trustworthy your probably a moment ago fine. And again judge by the withdrawal of info, if you are younger, next you should expect your period to be really crazy for the first few years, it pilfer time for your cycle to grasp regulated. Best wishes...

What does this suggest?

Every womans cycle is different.

You may progress to the site call:

for this information.


yes - thats fine

What's subsequent?

every woman is different from the other, and every woman's months can be at variance from one another. explicitly adjectives inwardly middle-of-the-road span...and "normal" is also what is most adjectives for you...and it is also ordinary for things to be adjectives over the place for the first few if specifically adjectives to be exact worrying you, no worries, dear...

IF my bf ejacurates and pour sperms in my vagina lacking probing me can i conceive?

I have an idea that that it is ordinary to hold different amounts of days of bleeding during your menstration. It also depends on how cumbersome your flow is. I don't regard that at hand is a regular amount of days that you should menstruate...every woman is different.
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