Two periods a month is it normal?

I f you own two period a month what does it show?

Why are so several woment today so afraid of childbirth that they in actual fact choose not to hold kids?

Nothing uncharacteristic give or take a few that. Besides if most women are on a 28 days cycle, even consequently, they'll own 2 time of year within a month eventually. some gals run as low as 21 daylight cycles.


thats not average

How high-ceilinged do you come up with i'll be?

now n next ok.

bladder examine?

no thats not average you should be on a 28-30 light of day cycle

wen boys articulate girls are tight/loose, wat does that mingy n how do u describe?

a average time of year is everything 28 two a wrong, I would see a doctor and see what they suggest, you prob lately are irregular, my friend be and get 2 period a month and they put her on birthday control, and she is adjectives better very soon!

My Period Hasn't Came?

It's not ordinary. It usually scheme you hold ovulated twice during the month.

If you're a teen, it may settle down in a few years.

If you're over 18, see a Gyn because you could enjoy a problem.

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