My nipples hurt? is just my period ? or..?

Its august 3rd my term dosent come till the 17th of august. So is this cuz of my time of year or could I be pregnant? Help. thanx!

Girls lone ! What subdivision of the month do you hold your time of year? origination , middle or downfall?

You may be ovulating. When I ovulate my boobs hurt. It would be to impulsive for pregnancy signs. I'm not a doctor though so if your worried progress to a doctor. Ovulation usually happen 14 days after your time. Good luck!

I hold these really desperate lower put money on pains sometimes and i be wondering what it be?

my breasts sometimes hurt 2 wks in the past my spell...if you're bothered, purloin a home exam.

feminie stufff?

If you hold be sexually moving, it could be pregnancy.

For me though, my nipples hurt at other times too within reality it is more for me since my extent than during.

Why do I grain this bearing, it's making me so frustrated?

Lol, OMG YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER! GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM lol j/k If you muse your pregnant after jump hold a pregnancy exam.

pubic coat?

i dont presume that your pregnant but if ur worried after cart an ept check. they arent that expensive so yeah.

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ur cycles prolly varying

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Yes it is more than plausible your length, unless you only just have sex and if you miss your upcoming extent...
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