Please help?

My length used to be everyday until that time. Now since final one year and partially they be passageway rotten. I win them after 5 or 6 months with the sole purpose for few days. Before it used to be monthly later it start to come after2 months and it be vastly itchy very soon No interval for 6 month?

Could I be pregnant?

I am so sorry to hear just about your problem! I am certainly an eye doctor but I will run a shot at this a moment ago base on broad experience: it sounds resembling the symptoms of endometriosis or fibroids. So plentiful women hold this problem and it should be evaluated by your nurse practitioner or gynecologist. You should be getting paps and vaginal exams every year including abdominal exam which may also shed insubstantial on this. So please rota an appt ASAP and if you do not enjoy insurance, travel to Planned Parenthood...I used to jump within as a student and I cannot say-so adequate well-mannered things in the region of them. Good Luck and obtain checked out soon, OK?:)

no itch,no discharge.with the sole purpose odor??

Are you on birth control? Sometimes that can be the idea. But you should see your doctor. Good luck

help please (woman only)?

There could be masses reason, most of which are not pleasant, and adjectives of which involve some sort of hormone disparity.

Go see a gynecologist. Don't freak out, merely stir see one as soon as you can.

IUD and pregnant?

It's promising hormonal.

See your Gyn, or better but, an Endocrinologist, for relief.

does anyone look around 10 years younger? (if ur an adult).. what r some tips to prevent EARLY aging?

Periods can be irregular for no rationale.. Sometimes if you are taking a persuaded birth control pill this can transpire.
Don't resembling the notion of the aching you are have. Try to see your doctor or kith and kin planning clinic and they will check you out.
Good Health to you

I know i other ask question more or less my spell?

there are various factor that can do this...first is stress...if you are stressed out that can clear you irregular.second dietary traditions...are you intake hygienic? grounds that can also throw it sour!...and thyroid problems! should see your line doctor...a short time ago to brand name sure!!
hope i help!:)

How do i spice up my sex life span?

Go to your gynecologist...he might prescribe something for you to do or pilfer to bring your time surrounded by its ordinary cycle...although period seem to be to hold "regular" and "irregular" pattern, I muse it adjectives of late depends on your hormones, level of stress you enjoy, emotion...etc...
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