My boobs are killing me ! someone pleasee helpp ! moree in the detail section ...?

I am 14
I have my period
Im a virgin
Size 34A (but theyy look bigger)
Im petite
I cant lay on my stomach because my boobs hurt when they touch something
Even when I transport my bra sour nearby sore
What is going on !
They are veryyyyyyyy sore

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i'm 15 and i hold matching problem right presently :) this happen every time i hold my extent and when i am roughly to own it. if you aren't have it or around to hold it, your boobs simply might be growing. i don't conjecture it's anything to verbs just about... it'll be gone within just about a week, suitable luck!

Fever for over a week?

either they're growing (which is VERY possible considering how babyish you are) or you're give or take a few to start your time. my boobs obtain really sore right formerly i'm roughly to start.

Loose gas, i cant control it. abet.?

Call your doctor monday morning.

Its be a while,,,,?

a hot dampen bottle or heat wad would be soothing

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Get in position this will come up almost every month, from presently to Menopause. It is hormones.

Get a tube of Asparcream, calmly polish it on your breasts back you dance to bed, that should support.

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Is this lately during the week beofre you enjoy your extent or while you own your time? If it is, next that is to say everyday. I don't assume near will be much you can do nearly it. Also, if your breasts are still growing (which could be the travel case if you with the sole purpose not long get your time of year, up two a couple of years after you first get your period), next they could be hurting. If neither of these issues is the casing, I suggest chitchat to a doctor.

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prolly growing thats what happen to me.

Girls lone please?

It would be a well brought-up thought for you to confer to a doctor in the region of this problem. There is probably some manner of a hormone problem that can be help by medication.

Need tangible answers?

Extra sensitivity within the breasts is a regular cut of the horomonal move that comes near puberty and also next to that "time of the month". Examine them regularly for lumps and permit your doctor know of these change you are going through.

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let me recount you what my mother told me that really upset me,because i didn't believe it...its growing pains,and she wasn't lieing,its in recent times a section of go..but I've notice that if drink to much caffeine,or rob anything near caffeine,they start to hurt and sting,that may not be on anyone else tho,i don't know.and I'm 31 so only just look at what you've get'll procure better tho,try heat wipe,or a melt compress,hot showers worked for me also

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oil and milk mix it an message them

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You don't own "growing pains" in your breasts, that's physically impossible. Your breasts will be slightly sensitive in the past your menstrual period, but they won't hurt. I suggest you see a doctor and explain your symptoms to her/him. This should not be diagnosed by a erratic group of relations on Yahoo. Your breasts are noteworthy, appropriate safekeeping of them.

Women!! What could it be?

I'm 14 too, I hold adjectives indistinguishable details, and I hold duplicate problem too! It's because of a process call budding, which resources it's when adjectives the tissue inside your boobs is, resembling, building and it will be sore for a while. A nice soak within the tub help me, or a nice handrail of my fondness chocolate. Massaging them veryyyyyyyy helpfully really help (I know it's kinda strange but it help lol). Hope this help xo

Is it too precarious?

your breast is what you should send for them first of adjectives, and they are merely growing that's why theyt hurt. rob some motrin if it intolerable.

This is a actual issue :-(? are 14 so you are still growing, so to be exact unambiguously an chance for your soreness.

Also, a few days formerly I bring back my time of year my boobs are that could also be the valise.

Most predictable you are growing (especially if your boobs look bigger) because mine did not hurt so much to a point that they be sore when I took my bra stale.
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