Unbearable Abdominal Pain... help ASAP!?

My mum is lying on the couch nearly to the point of crying... she is complaining of unendurable abdominal pains and she have not slept adjectives dark. She have be sitting on the toilet and throwing up the majority of the time... she claims this is the worst she have ever feel... anyone who can back PLEASE ANSWER! No stupid answers any... Thank you!

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What cause abdominal aching?

Abdominal cramp is cause by inflammation (e.g., appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis ), by stretching or distention of an organ (e.g., blockage of the intestine, blockage of a bile duct by gallstones, swelling of the liver next to hepatitis), or by loss of the supply of blood to an organ (e.g., ischemic colitis). To complicate matter, however, abdominal spasm also can go on lacking inflammation, distention or loss of blood supply. An major example of this latter type of affliction is the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is not clear what cause the abdominal cramp surrounded by IBS, but it is believed to be due any to unexpected contractions of the intestinal muscles (e.g., spasm) or inexplicably sensitive nerves in the intestines that supply rise to bloody sensations inappropriately (visceral hyper-sensitivity).

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It sounds close to food poisoning. Ask her what she ate.

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Get past its sell-by date dash phone call an ambulance. Sounds resembling it might be appendicitis.

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call the doctor asap - it may be appendicitis. If it burst - it would be too behind!

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She may own a virus, flu...

But im almost 50% sure she have appendicitis, you want to phone the emergency room presently, she desires to enjoy an operation asap. Vomiting is VERY adjectives near appendicitis because of the amount of backache she is suffering. And the other 50% is food posioning she desires to see a doctor beside any problems..

EDIT: maintain your mom relaxed, hold a bucket close at hand by or anything she can vomit in, if she is sweating try putting a cold towel on her forehead, reassure her that its okay, and please send for 911 for an ambulence.

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Sounds close to food poisoning. If you Mom have a frenzy it is best to attain to a clinic asap. I may walk away on it's own when it leaves her system, if she does not develop a restlessness breed sure she drinks loads of dampen. If you see blood attain to emergency asap. Do not run no for an answer. Call a taxicab or an ambulance.

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hello. does ur mum still enjoy her appetite? if she does and is still ingestion - go and get her to keep hold of a diary of everything she eat and when she have this affliction.. is in attendance a outline - x amount of hours after she eat? if so, she may hold a food intolerance and will call for to substitute the food. and wot in the order of other stuff -is her poo black? if her poo is black, it could be an sore.. ego bring it checked out asap. im going through a similar item at the moment - contained by tears heaps from twinge. wot other symptoms does she own? when does she procure the aching? do painkillers relieve? does she enjoy bloating, discomfort or cramping? it could be irritable bowel syndrome.. step one. hold a diary. try to work out a template of some sort.. hope it help, [email protected]
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