How do I know if I'm having a regular period or spotting from pregnancy?

I've have sex several times this month and be really tentative because precum have gotten around my ladyparts, but we used condoms during sex. For former times four months, I've be have incredibly consistent period that would start on the 4th of every month. For this month, here be no bleeding till the 6th. So I'm a bit slow which is everyday and defensible. The strange piece is that the flow be extremely night light. First it be for a time bit of brownish pink, later I saw a tiny clot of bright red when I wipe, and very soon it's a dark brown. I'm used to have the flood gate burst widespread stretch out on the 2nd year. Could my flow be street lamp because I be stressing out beforehand? I'm a moment ago a bit worried. Can someone inform me please?

Many question!?

Well for starters bring a home pregnancy assessment, that should clear up some of the concern. Yes stress can be a factor. I'm speaking from experience here, i be ~3 days unpaid, and it be alike channel you described yours, i took the check and i wasn't pregnant, and when i go to see my doctor and she said that it be more expected due to the reality that my husband be person deployed and i be stressing over that. You still might wanna achieve checked out, in that might be something else wrong. Good luck :)
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