My periods are weird?

I have my first time when I be 13 and presently im almost 17 and their still not once a month other. Sometimes they come close to 2 or 3 weeks apart and sometimes i skip the unharmed month. Is this commonplace after so long?

has anyone have this problem beside their period?

One of the question I'm asked most commonly is "Why is my length tardy?". Although, pregnancy is the most adjectives effect of malingering of menstruation (amenorrhea), masses times, the women will also assure me that they are categorically not pregnant. So, what else can motivation an absenteeism of menstruation?
Are you breastfeeding your child? Breastfeeding mothers will regularly experience amenorrhea; however ovulation may still come to pass and pregnancy is possible even short menstruation.
Are you experiencing an unusual amount of stress in your life span? Emotional stress is another possible bring of non-attendance of menstruation. Eliminating the stress usually will lead to menstruation to resume.
What class of medication are you currently taking? Certain medication such as contraceptives (oral, implanted, and injected), oral corticosteriods, antidepressants, antipsychotics, thyroid, and some chemotherapy drugs may explanation amenorrhea for some women.
You could hold a hormonal inequality. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a adjectives form of hormonal discrepancy which may exact amenorrhea, as economically as other symptoms that can include the other extreme beside excessive bleeding (menorrhagia.
Do you chomp through a fit, well-balanced diet? Women who are hungry or extremely underweight repeatedly experience amenorrhea. This occur normally surrounded by women next to ingestion disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
How much do you workout? Do you bop or grip surrounded by sports? Vigorous exercise or athletic training can rationale amenorrhea.
Have you have your thyroid checked? Millions of Americans suffer from undiagnosed thyroid disease -- another possibility that should be explored by your physician.
Do you own a chronic syndrome? If you own a chronic bad health, or enjoy be sick for an extended time, your menstrual cycle may be temporarily delayed. Once your body is resourcefully your time will usually return.
Although undercooked, a pituitary tumor (a usually benign tumor) can create an overproduction of prolactin which can interfere near the regulation of your menstrual cycle.
If you own missed 3 or more menstrual cycles, and you haven't already sought professional medical warning, it's time to want medical trouble to determine the underlying impose. Only a qualified vigour diligence provider can determine the wreak of amenorrhea. You should also be alert to other signs that signal a stipulation for medical attention. These signs include:

Hair loss
Vision change
Breast secretion or milk production
Your doctor have several choices for diagnosing the exact of amenorrhea. He can do a progestin treat with contempt near 7 to 10 days of medication to see if it triggers bleeding. This will put in the picture him if menstruation stopped because of a deficit of estrogen. Thyroid disease and pituitary disorders can be determined by blood trialling. Pituitary tumors can be detected next to diagnostic imaging equipment.

BC Pills & Bleeding :(?

No, you stipulation to see your gyn doc and they can put you on a bc pill to regulate your cycles. It's bleak satisfactory to own to contract near your extent every month, but not knowing when to expect it have to be worse! Good luck!

They're the first to stir when losing consignment..?

You should clutch a product call celluar build and possibly look into adjectives out gluten from your diet for 6 months. No it is not regular. You should also see your doctor and constraint a feminine hormone panel and thyroid TSH free T3 and free T4. Do not tolerate your dr of late put you on birth control pills.

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