Has any WOMEN ever been diagnosed with anything like this?

for the recent past 5 months i haven't have a length. i've see a doctor for it and she be not sufficiently expert to answer my question outright, she merely kept giving me a hormone to bring it down.which it did but it never followed comming down on it's own afterward. the end extent i have be five months ago and it be 2 weeks straight because right after i have one come down by itself the doctor give me a hormone to bring it down again. immediately it's be five months and i enjoy have the most aweful agony within my belly. it keep getting bloated really bleak resembling i'm 5 months pregnant or something...i've be have headache, dizziness, sharp pains in the belly, unpromising fatigue, shakiness, and nausea. theres probley alot more that i haven't put down but that's some. i have also have diariahh once or twice a light of day. i've be drinking lots of river, some gatorade, and be intake lawfully able-bodied. i am taking two days rotten work to relax make happen i consistency so tired. also my boobs hold be hurting. i'm definatley not pregnant!


What are the side effects after coming stale of the combined contraceptive pill?

I'm sorry to hear that you are so humiliated. This must be outstandingly unpleasant for you and scarey, too. I hold not have anything similar to this, but I would cheer you to draw from a second inference.

What I recognize so far is that you hold have:
a miscarriage
Precancerous lesion on your cervix
Some hormones to adjust your periods

Now you enjoy be 5 months lacking a interval and you enjoy profusely of different strain (back, abdominal, bloating, headache, etc.)

There is markedly something hormonal going on. You are not lactating, correct? I merely ask because exclusive breast-feeding can cause period to stop. It doesn't nouns close to that's the shield though.

Get a second feelings and enjoy them do a thorough pelvic exam, including an untrasound of your ovaries. There could be something going on within that requests to be see. I'm not going to throw out possibilities because nearby is no point in cause more anxiety. If you hold not have any hormone supplements to STOP your period, afterwards your doctor should be more concerned nearly getting to the bottom of this for you. Please do yourself a favor and find another doctor. You deserve better strictness than you are reception.

Good luck and God bless you.

Questions more or less Urinary Tract Infection?

most women hold this or some segment of this you are not alone

Anyone have mirena coil - be everything ok?

Yes. I wasnt ingestion satisfactory calories and my spell stopped for 10 months! I'm 5'7" and at the time I be more or less 100 lbs. After 8 months I finally go to the doctor. That idiot tried to transmit me i be pregnat... at 100 lbs.. I be adjectives "Do I freakin look 8 months pregnat to you?!!" But yes I also have the really doomed to failure cramping also. I'm glad It over. That be give or take a few a year ago.

I am trying to amount out down my menstrual cycle?

Have they checked adjectives your hormone level? If you are underweight, that could be cause it. Also, you said your breasts be sore which could indicate a principal hormone inconsistency. You may want to ask them to check your thyroid also. But noticeably achieve wager on to the doctor and find out what's cause this!

Post-miscarriage symptoms? (Possible TMI)?

I'm suprized your doctor hasn't ruled out cancer if you havn't have a time of year and you are not pregnant. If she hasn't done any examination to rule out more severe problems I would suggest finding a different doctor that would pocket your problem seriously and rule out these things. If you are not pregnant you could own a serious problem, it's not majority to stir minus a term for 5 months short any man pregnant or anyone on certian birth controls that can slow down or even stop your cycle.

i want my breast to be more massive how con i do it in need have operation or artificial method?

Go to the hospital!! They other do test to find out things like a shot. It sounds kinda serious to me when you influence that your getting headache, dizziness, sharp pains, fatigue, shakes and nausea and especially diahoerea.
I hope for your sake its zilch too serious but please procure yourself to hospital!

Breakthrough bleeding after heavily built lifting?

I know someone who go through duplicate piece and have to turn to diverse gyno appointments...to find out that she have hpv and atypical squamous cell on her cervix, after more follow ups she found out that the cell have developed into almost cancer...where she have a coloscypy done and afterwards a leap to remove any of the cell.so you arent alone, freshly save up beside your doctor appointments and capture it taken exactness of in the past a more serious cervical cancer developes..its tremendously adjectives contained by greatly of women I guess. I myself have a terrify and a few friends. You could hold a cyst...my friend have one that erupted and get it taken meticulousness of right away...and she have seriously of like peas in a pod symptoms as you.

What does this niggardly?

First, I would step to the emergency room b/c they can do test right NOW-like an ultrasound for example. Get the head up on what is wrong. And ectopic pregnancy for example will product you have a feeling as discouraging or worse and can be life-threatening.Go soon, it sounds approaching you hold bleak infection but the hosp can donate you a diagnosis a bit than you waiting for a doctor's appointment.
You're in my prayers.
uh, if you dont heed me, heed Smarty Pants

wel i be wondering qwhen i own my extent i other find upset relly glib and dont want to be messed beside?

Go beside tha gynecologist. I will pray for you. (pray adjectives time)

PMS symptoms, is this run of the mill? GIRLS ONLY PLS?

Although I don't chew over you are have matching problem I have...I can without doubt sympathize near you. It took 2 1/2 years, over 16 doctors, and at lowest possible one ER call in a month to finally find a doctor that accurately care. At that point I be diagnosed next to endometriosis. This in actuality may be slice of your problem as very well...the stomach and support niggle, vomitting, dizziness, and diarrhea are no problem symptoms of endometriosis. As far as seeking sustain, it may be courteous to jump to the ER, but they across the world of late run some test, draw from you comfortable for the moment (give aching meds), and put in the picture you to follow up near your physician. It is not adjectives for them to in reality fix the problem or inaugurate any type of long-term treatment. If I be you, I'd attain a schedule of adjectives gynecologists that pinch your insurance and see if friends/family member can vouch for any of them. Pick one and label an appointment. If you don't get the impression comfortable that they are giving you the exactness you require, pick another one. Unfortunately, next to situations similar to this, it can run some time/work to find the right doctor. But it's greatly major that you find a compassionate, competent doctor that will aggressively check out for a raison d`??tre and solution. I longing you luck beside finding the right doctor for you and hope that it is something that can be resolved promptly and effortlessly.
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