Okay i started my period today july 28th and...?

will i be sour of it by august 27th plz!

At this point, should I munch through even if I'm not hungry?

if your cycle is ordinary, consequently you will be bad it surrounded by seven days...and all set to start it by august 28th

Can taking 'the pill' and depression pills at matching time grounds impossible mood swings?

sometimes u might be a butt and u will call for to use a wipe or a tampon. i usually later a week. every month so preserve track of when u receive it. so spot it down on your calender.

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i haven't hear of a term continuing and entire month, as you would expect you will be stale my august 27th, but thats after time it's programmed to fire up again

Sex ask?

Women's period change. Some hold buoyant period, some brawny, some later for days, some weeks...usually a term last from 3 to 7 days. If this is your first one ever it should be frothy and short. You should be sour inwardly a week however subsequent month you could start again on August 28th or anytime in 1 week of that date. It's intensely tricky to right to be heard. Sorry I couldn't be of more sustain.
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