How to predict ovulation?

my cycle is 30 days near a 14 hours of daylight luteal phase. i hear that ovulation take place mid cycle. so does that suggest i should expect ovulation to come to pass 15 days after my ultimate extent? i notice cervical mucus around the begining of this month which completed on august 4th. also, is it even possible to catch pregnant a hours of daylight after ovulation ends? thank you

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Here is what you do...from the first morning of your extent count to the 14th year, if you are trying to seize pregnant enjoy sex on the 14th hours of daylight and the 16th year and that will increase your likelihood, since it is never really accurate when you will ovulate unless you use a thermometer. Remember, if you enjoy sex every morning that will in truth DECREASE your likelihood of getting pregnant, you should other skip a sunshine or two. a side write down...a few days after I ovulate I also win a mucus discharge...for me...(but not sure for you) is an indication that my egg be NOT fertilized. It adjectives depends on the consistency of your mucus, but you will categorically win a mucus discharge after you ovulate.

Don't listen to the midwife who said to own sex on 15, 16, and 17th daylight...she is WRONG.

look here where on earth it say "bear control" (this is one of frequent websites that convey you not to enjoy sex on a daily basis because the sperm obligation time to regenerate)

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It's plainly possible to capture pregnant any time throughout your cycle, even when you're on your time of year. Your ovulation is right surrounded by the middle of your cycle, so yes, after 15 days your finishing time started. Usually, you can narrate you're ovulating when you hold the most discharge.

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you usually ovulate for a few days in the past during and after your spell. You can buy ovulation kit to pin point exactly when from any grocery or drug store.

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then your most fertle days would be the 13th-17th days after your interval. But, you can buy an ovulation gear that will be strictly accurate.

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The Luteal phase is other 14 days. To predict when ovulation for you will ensue subtract 14 from your longest cycle say-so 30 days and 14 from your shortest cycle if you enjoy any that are smaller quantity than 30. That is your ovulation skylight. You robably ovulate on afternoon 16, the egg lives for 24 hours, so you want to hold sex on morning 15,16,17. Also the more fertile you are the thicker your mucous will become, you own to look at it when you wipe. Also if you can out one finger in the vagina while sitting on the toilet, your cervix will swing in dash beside the vagina and clear up a bit to minister to sperm capture contained by. Hope this help.
Jencaniglio CNM
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