I am not sexually active, but my period is really irregular...i skip whole months sometimes?

...and when i do bring back it every month it is sour, approaching getting it again after 3 weeks, and later the subsequent time i seize it it will be after 7 weeks.im not crash dieting or anything, so what else could it be? is this regular?

I thought i have started my term but it merely last for give or take a few 10 minutes. is this conventional for a first spell?

powerfully if this is your first year or even two since starting your term this is pretty conventional most women ore not regular when they first start have them. if you aren't experiencing unusual anguish , discharge, or odor consequently relax it could also be stress related. perfect luck

Im 30 weeks pregnant..i obligation abet please!! help out!!?

Mine used to do this too when I be going on for 12-13 years outmoded. After a while it started coming around matching time every month. If you're this age I wouldn't verbs going on for it, if you're elder you might want to see a doctor if it get really annoying.

When you own sex on your length, what happen?

If you in recent times started it, it could be your body merely getting used to the change. Others reason could be stress or even in recent times a few irritents.If this continues, check next to your doctor.

Ugg, so embarresing!?

puberty doesn't come to pass within a sunshine, it take time. If you are babyish and not on the other hand fully developed I'm sure this is ordinary. If you are over 40, it could be menopause, which is also typical, but you did not specify . . .

How to get hold of rid of guilt?

I am assuming you are a juvenile.
Yes this can be usual surrounded by teens.

It can also transpire contained by someone who is drastically athletic as ably.

If you are a youthful developed contained by your unsettled teens to precipitate twenties and hold concerns you may will to consult next to your Ob/gyn something like the possibility of taking birth control pills to help out regulate your length.

I entail to know what this is?

More than promising it would simply be a result of your age. When your young at heart your cycle can be intensely irregular. However, if this continues and worsens as you enter your 20's it may be a result of a condition call Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. Which is necessarily a hormone discrepancy which effects your body's resources to with ease produce sufficient level of hormones to effect ovulation and or menstruation. At your age in that would probably be no instrument to bring a reliable reading on your hormone level over time to know how to interpret PCOS. You gynecologist will probably suggest that you commence using birth control as a funds of regulating your cycle.

How solid is plump?

depending on your age it is conventional if your youthful and freshly begining dont forget to drink lots of wet and cow milk not the stuff from stores

How various days respectively month does a woman enjoy the potential of becoming pregnant if she have sexual intercourse?

depends on how long you enjoy have your extent and how older you are. You probably should see a gyno and be put on birth control pills.
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