Can i get pregnant if i have sex while my period is on if i am taking birth control pills?
Buying pad? suggestion please!?
If you are taking your pills properly, and the pills are working properly inside your body, no, because you own not ovulated.
The interval you attain when you are on the pill is not a true length. It is call withdrawl bleeding. The progesterone in the pill tricks your body into thinking it is pregnant, thereby shutting down the ovaries preventing ovulation, and building up the uterine facing. During the week of non-active pills, the drop in the even of progesterone make your body assume you enjoy have a miscarriage, and so it sheds the uterine pool liner. You are still fully protected during the week of non-active pills.
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very unlikely b/c 1) BC is 99.7% significant 2) You are noticeably not ovulatingIs more teenagers have sex afterwards remaining virgins in this day and age?
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