What could cause male pattern hair growth on a female?

Started right after I have my first child.

How come when I own my time I also gain the flu?

Hormonal lack of correspondence, see an endocrinologist. Do not bestow it too long as the template will be irreversible.

I own be masturbating for a few months but i still haven't gotten an orgasm. what can i do?


y do women moan during sex?

Well your even of estrogen decrease and your even of testosterone increase, this usually happen as females acquire elder. Testosterone brings subsidiary sex change, for example boys gain an excess amount of testosterone contained by their teens i.e puberty, they grow hackle, voice cash, and growth. This usually happen to women as they procure closer and closer to menapuse. But if you are babyish afterwards you should chitchat beside your doctor.

im so confused. what does a loose vagina look resembling? how do you know you hold one?

Polycyctic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

is it ok if i don't wear tampons, im alarmed too.?

if your period hold become erratic or longer between period probably own pcos, but regardless your testosterone level are one elevated, should see gyno first afterwards endocrinologist if no oblige from gyno!

I'm nearly 30 a 34aa boob size and ashamed minister to no crap pls very well upset?

Hormonal change cause hersutism.

What r pad bras?

The manly hormone testosterone is the culprit. Both men and women produce testoterone but women produce far smaller amount than men. When females produce more testosterone than majority manly model baldness can go off. This can including thinning of the curls and receding hairline . Have your doctor check your hormone level. You might call for hormone treatment of some quality. Your doctor can prescribe an androgen blocker if it is neccesary. The androgen blocker will mute your testosterone stratum to conventional again. But do move about draw from checked out by a doctor because hormone imbalaces can be indicators of other form issues. Good luck.
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