Have you ever had to visit the colposcopy clinic?

i jst get a leter truism i hold an appointment to shift and see them and dont even know what its for hold you everbeen looked it up on the network so kinda enjoy an conception?anyone share nearby experiences?

Tampon Stuck.?

This seem a pretty concise explanation:

After a woman have have an out of the ordinary cervical/Pap smear it is essential to examine her cervix next to a special binocular microsocope - a colposcope. The woman to be examined sits on a special couch which supports her legs and a speculum is passed to visualise the cervix (just approaching have a smear).

To identify the site, title and shape of the uncharacteristic nouns of cell, the doctor carrying out the colposcopy nouns will stain the cervix in the nouns of the Transformation Zone (T.Z.).

A solution of acetic sharp (which smells resembling vinegar) is humanely wipe on the cervix near a long 'Q' tip. Abnormal dyskaryotic/dysplastic cell will stain white and, as a generalisation, the more dense the white nouns become the superior the position of abnormality.

A water-based solution of iodine is next meekly applied to the rest of the cervix to identify the complete nouns of abnormality. With iodine, the normal cell stain squirt black and the unusual cell stain wan.

In most cases at hand is obedient correlation between the abnormality suggested by the cervical smear and the appearances see through the colposcope. In cases of doubt a small biopsy can be taken from the worst looking nouns for analysis. This is carried out using special biopsy forceps which look close to a bird's beak and remove a small fragment of tissue beside minimal discomfort.

Women who enjoy an open abnormality at colposcopy, or who own a positive biopsy result will proceed to treatment. The most adjectives form of treatment is call LLETZ (Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone) surrounded by the British Isles, and LEEP (Loop Electro-Excision Procedure) elsewhere.

Treatment by LLETZ can pilfer place at the close of the colposcopy nouns during indistinguishable clinic call round. This is call "See and Treat". Alternatively, treatment may be carried out at a separate, then call on.

Ive already asked nearly my theory test?

Yeah! Not really too fun..its kinda similar to getting your PAP. They check your cervix for any growths. I have 4 pieces of tissue taken away. Then they return with a appliance and freeze your cervix. Sounds hazardous but it individual feel close to your have a hot flash (?) and your 'oral cavity' seize a short time chilly. After that you hold to relax for a few minuts. You carry released and enjoy to wear pad for a few days b/c of your cervix cleaning out. Grey colored charcoal things are discharged. Its not a impossible matter.
I have to get hold of colposcopy done b/c they found an out of the ordinary PAP. After they took out the 4 skin growths.adjectives done. I never have to turn posterior again.
Keep your pave the way up...no worries dont be alarmed. I only needed to update you so you wont progress within nearby not knowing what to expect!

Sex cross-question?

I go to one finishing year as I have be going to my GP for desperate period and menapause problems so I be refered to a one stop colposcopy clinic.
vitally you see a nurse first who will ensure she does blood pressure, substance and plane. Then you see consultant who will pinch medical history and after administer you an internal nouns.
I do not know what your problems are so powerless to let somebody know you what he will do the document is eternal.
He may do a smear trial, biopsy to fashion sure cervix is glowing and no cancer cell. He may be looking for polips or cysts on womb if found they remove them near and next.
You may inevitability a coil and that can be done.
Take someone near you as after you may consistency a bit wobbly.
It is simply a clinic for problems conected to periods/cervix /womb ect they can do scan to check womb at same time for tacky ness or any cysts ect They do treatment same time and morning one stop clinic.
Did you hold an atypical smear check? If so do not verbs they are purely checking you over to ensure no problems.

Incomplete miscarriage?

Hiya yes I own be loads of time lucklessly ok you want somewhere on the net for support and warning this is the place to budge http://www.jotrust.co.uk/ this is a site unswerving to pre cancer and cervical cancer, it have lots of info, but also a Lets Meet forum for women to share their experiences and post question to others,and support other member, please pocket a look.You will find loads of info roughly speaking colposcopy on the site a moment ago follow the links.It is a registered charity and recognised my Macmillan and Cancer research.
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