First Perioid?

I simply get started my time of year later month. Can you guys share your first length story please?

Does Midol breed anyone else sick?

Luckily, I have two elder sisters so I know what be going on. On August 16, 1977 (yes, the afternoon Elvis died), I come within from university and notice my underpants be brown. Well, I know what it be and did what I be supposed to do, and go to communicate to my mom. She have be within my shoes and know I would enjoy abundantly of question and it pleased her that I be competent to be so foward next to my question to her. I own shared near my oldest daughter one and the same, she be 9 when she started, and my youngest is in the region of to be 11 and it will not be too long since she also requirements the attention.

It took going on for a year for my cycles to regulate after they first started and when they did, I be other, consistently 3 days untimely every month. Even after I have children, my cycles regulated again to human being 3 days hasty. I no longer enjoy them and surrounded by a road I miss them, but the first time is a special time for a youthful woman and her mother to be capable of sit and speech nearly what could be a highly frightening experience otherwise.

I never really experienced cramps, but I did hold PMS within then menstrual years, after the children be born...the mood swings be the worst, but I well-educated to control them.

How can I properly insert a tampon?

horrible, masacre, devastating...but it be a short time ago approaching everyone else's first time...after I cried.

Why does my stomach hurt the following afternoon after sex.?

took me forever to give an account my mom and it be the hardest article contained by my existence to do

I have a miscarriage three months ago and?

i get my first spell contained by similar to april of this year and im 13. but i own reallllyy unpromising stomach pains when some associates do not. so munch through some bananas if you do carry cramps, they support!

apt luck! =D

Is it ok to own sex during your term? Can it produce anything unusual?

luckily for me, mine happen during the dark. and i be 14 yrs. ancient.


um. resourcefully i woke up one morning and i go to the bathroom and it be glowing brown so i wasnt sure and was confused i donno boring w/e

what does a femal orgasm consistency similar to?

Um powerfully i be at my house near my step dad, (mom be at work) I come out of the hip bath room consequently my step dad curiously asked why i have be contained by the hip bath room for so long. (i swear i be surrounded by here for atleast an hour!) I said "Well unless you wanna be surrounded by that bathroom for as long as i be, i better not detail you"
The subsequent sunshine i go to institution, and adjectives my friends congradulated me
I be close to "hello! my time is over and you're congradulating me!"
But i guess it wasnt as doomed to failure as i thought it would be!

Is oral sex mucky contained by any channel?

Let's see. I get mine when I be at home... fortunately. Um... it be a tardy February. Nothing really embarassing. Sorry that I don't hold much of a story.

My Birthcontrol?

scary.. i be so disconcerted i didn't relate my mum for almost 4 yrs

It is a abnormal point?

This is in reality going to be a odd story...mostly associates are panicky, freak out almost their spell and are embarrased almost it. When i be within the 6th position I be in truth contented more or less it. I go to the bathroom and saw blood down in that. I jump up for excitement and be excited give or take a few it beacuse I know i be prepared for it end in I read books more or less it. I told my teacher and they be similar to "Are you ok?" I said "Yeah I'm simply fine I simply have my first period" and they took me to the nurses department so i could capture a wipe or tampon effect i didn't know what they be. So that's my abnormal story give or take a few my extent.

what is this sensitive entity sticking out of my vagina?

well a light of day or two in the past, my you-know-what feel kinda weird.
so i get one of the close pad contained by the bathroom on only just within bag.
sure satisfactory, after wearing them for a couple days, we go out to dinner where on earth i go to the bathroom and VOILA!
i concluded up texting my stepmom to come in the bathroom ASAP

How long can stress prolong a menstrual cycle?

At first I be excited resembling it be some kinda privilege or something, and the first time it be standard lamp and confident... next as the years go on I loathed it so much because I started getting stomach cramps and horrible stuff close to that.
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