GIRLS ONLY ! i got a question guys wont know the answer to lol?

im on my term and ive get the WORST cramps ever! i've taken midol but it with the sole purpose relieve a bit. any counsel?

Is something wrong?

Oh, i know how you consistency, i grasp alike way
I try to lift Ibuprofen as soon as i wake up up, after as commonly as the sticky label say i can (i assume it's four hours) basically to avoid cramps because i know i win them
You can also try taking thaw out baths and such.
Best point to do is to maintain your body relaxed; so don't scrunch up into a bubble because it'll tighten it up and hurt more. also, lay down helps
Best entry to do is only just filch ibuprofen (like, the straight stuff because the midol have caffeine in it which can irritate more..okay it does for me) to try and avoid it
Also, as crazy as it seem, exercise: saunter up stairs and around your home and receive out. This will relieve, alot.
You find cramps from blot clots (i think) and the exercise help them go by through better. Plus, exercise will thieve your mind sour it. I know it's summer and you don't enjoy arts school (well if you're around my age..I'm contained by giant school), but it's a excess of four days (or however long it is) to newly lay down and permit your existence miss you by.
Hope this help! (=

Does it hurt at adjectives when inputting the birth control Mirena?

take a heat hip bath, drink chocolate, and after that put a heat wad on it a relax, I don`t know even plummet asleep

how to find stretch results rotten breast?

Birth control.
IB profen.
Heating wad,
hindmost squeeze,
heat up tub.

why does a woman on her time of year not bleed surrounded by the hip bath?

try advil , two pills (400 gm of ibuprophen)

How Can I create my blood stratum complex its single 6.3?

try lay on your gone side and drink plenty of wet.

Why wont I stop bleeding?

it depends on the midol you took. near are two diff types of midol beside different helpful ingredients. if the midol you took have acetominophen (Tylenol) in it, after you can transport some ibuprophen (advil, motrin) as capably. Ibrprophen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that help exhaust menstrual dull pain.
also try putting a heat wad on your stomach or lower stern, it other help me.

drink plenty of fluids (water, cranberry juice) and stay away from flavoursome foods.

could i be pregnant, my boyfriend didnt surrounded by me tho, but the condom split?

For myslef, midol does not work. I inevitability something stronger. My grandma have 800mg cramp meds that really come across to see the aching. But i dont reccomend that you be in motion snooping thru your grannys pills. Instead, 3 days back your time transport 2 ibprophens morning and nite everyday. But the time your spell get in attendance you'll already enjoy the torment meds contained by your system. My doctor is the one that told me to do that but most of the time i forget to hold them so i'm stuck beside taking my grandmas pills! lol! Anyways, hope this help

is it true?

My mom other told me,to sit contained by front of the T.V. and drink candy,next to and heat wipe on.Plus basically sit in attendance and relax.Myself I other moped my floor but that me.

Does intake abundantly come near PMS?

lay down & use a heat wipe. you will be within *heaven*. i hold HORRIBLE cramps also. lay down, drink something cold, bring advil (only piece that works for my cramps) and use that heat wad.
you may want to consider birth control also. I am on Ortho Tri-Cyclen and I haven't have ONE cramp since my body have be familiar to it (took 2 months for me, 3 months for some). & My cramps used to be so desperate I would own diarerrha and I vomited sometimes.

How high-ceilinged will I be?

exercise and bring back your blood pumping and your heart rate up. Stretch first. Trust me. I know you prolly do not be aware of close to it, but it help, even a hoof it up and down the street will comfort.

How do i?

Just filch heat baths for going on for 10 to 15 minutes,drink plenty of hose down,other where on earth some flip flops or something...NEVER stay undressed foot...and merely relax..probably lift a powernap...and you should be alright after that.and if it doesn't work later bring back some oblige from a doctor!

is your rate of getting pregnant different beside respectively brand of pills?

Sorry girls you are not long inducted into the Woman's club... I'm an mature timer, so here's what you do... Midol is ok to pinch, merely follow the sticky label. .It's historic near ANY med whether it's aspirin/ibuprophen etc that you follow the dosing instuructions exactly.. Also, it's biddable to stretch and steal a thaw shower or hip bath to relax your muscles.. Cramping is a fluent function of the uterus shedding it's facing which is menstration.. Also, going on a birth control pill, can relieve some of the cramping associated near your time it's critical to give somebody a lift it as directed as in good health. . ONE hour BEFORE or AFTER the usual time taken.. A heat wad help as capably. and Congrats you are a woman very soon !

What to do abt my brest?

eat bananas. midol is the best you can do for cramps. dont lift anything near asprin in it. its produce your cramps increase, and youre bleeding worse.

well-mannered luck

i didnt own my extent however but today?

roll up surrounded by bed monitor tv. SHOOPPPPINNGG!

Im 13 but i reflect youngsters similar to me own gone to far?own we?

Chamomile tea really works for cramps. Try a cup beside a short time sugar.

Any women ever used a Magic Cone?

OMG, i know what you indicate... What really help me, pilfer one of those hose bottles that you overrun near hot hose down, and put it on your stomach! That help... Also, you could bear a nice, reheat tub. It doesn't facilitate beside the cramps, but to fashion yourself grain better, assuage your cravings next to a nice big CHOCOLATE BAR!! YUMMY! LOL, ok in good health e-mail me!

I enjoy a give somebody the third degree.?

Ah yes period, the BEST excuse to spoil yourself...!
Milk chocolate help (makes you discern good), big mugs of tea, hot hose down bottle/heat wipe, and stick near the midol or something stronger.
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